
February 6, 2010

Christmas Cookies Made Easy

We decided to do things easy this year, okay really it was my decision. I may not have been working but I was running a house and a crazy schedule on very little sleep from Mr. Bercan so at this point in life it's not going to always be what's cute, creative or awesome but more what is easy. I mean after all the boys don't really care how the cookies or frosting get to the table just so that they can decorate them. The grocery store by us had premade cutout sugar cookies and these awesome premade frosting bags. The boys loved that there was no prework and so did Mom. Actually, I think that Dad was also pretty excited that there weren't two messes in the kitchen as well :) It was so fun to get creative with the boys and to see the different decorations they did with the cookies. I usually think in some of these situations that I'm the one who is having the most fun but I think that Bjorn had a ton of fun decorating too. It was a great family night together that ended with us eating one of the cookies that we had decorated. Nothing like eating your hard work!

Aren't these bags the best. Already mixed, cut the tip and you're ready to go.
They were really easy for the boys to use which they loved.
The boys and Mom after the decorating craze...
Vaughny so proud of his cookies
Torin was really cute in wanting us to take pictures of his cookies.
He really came up with some neat things I will say that he
gets that creative side from his Dad and the Larson side.
The finished work...I personally think that we did a fabulous job :)
My favorite one of all is the one that Bjorn did with the beginning letters of our names. I will say that it was the last one that was eaten as we thought it was a pretty cool idea from Dad. He's so clever :)

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