
July 19, 2010

New ear tubes

A few months back I started to notice that Vaughn didn't seem like he could hear again. He had been talking much louder than normal and would sometimes respond to a question with a more than normally weird response. When we took him to his Kindergarten screening he failed his hearing test. So off we were to the ENT which tested his hearing again and again he failed it.

The doctor wanted to a wait a few months but we insisted that we go earlier than later. After all when a child is asking "When are we going to the doctors to get my ears fixed?" You would rather go sooner. One day I was talking to him, turned to get something from the pantry and he said to me "Mommy, when you talk to me can you wook at me?" Seriously, was he starting to read lips. According to the ENT most likely subconsciously he probably was. So thankfully he got us on his schedule a month out.

A few days before surgery we talked to Vaughn about him getting surgery on his ears so that he could hear better. He didn't seem afraid at all but did say that Monkey had to get his ears fixed too as Monkey couldn't hear either and that he would have to wear his Spiderman outfit so that he could be tough during surgery.

We thought that was more than fair so Monkey came with, which the night before Vaughn informed us that he would get his ears fixed first and Monkey was second. I just thought that was too cute. We also let him wear his Spiderman outfit but brought Spiderman PJ's just in case. Vaughn has fine with changing into his PJ's. I will say that all the nurses that Spiderman was pretty cute :)

Vaughn did great with the mask for his funny juice as they called it. He had quite a longer recovery time this time around which made me a little nervous but when he got to back to recovery he was happy to see us. Bjorn asked him if he could hear him talk better and he said "You loud Daddy." I guess that is one way of saying yes. The rest of the day Vaughn was good to go running around and happy as could be.

One would think that I was the one going in for surgery
Vaughn thought that I looked pretty silly in all of that stuff

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