
November 10, 2010

Vaughn's Deep Questions

What color is God Mommy? This is what I hear while cleaning up dinner and the boys were watching Evan Almighty. Really, I need a little more prep then this to answer some of these boys questions. Through a few years of parenting I am getting smarter in these situations to not try and answer the question but to ask them what they think of their own question. It's always amazing to me some of the things that they come back with and it always helps give me a second to breath and think through the answer that I want to provide. So I asked him what color he thought God was. He was watching Even Almighty so he said "In this movie he black but what color is He in real life." I told him that God was all colors. He smiled and looked away. I knew that this conversation was not done that he was just thinking it through a little. About 2 minutes later he told me that God was white because that is the color of Him in the pictures of the stories at church. I just said that God was all colors because he creates all the colors. Again a smile from Vaughn and no more questions :)

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