
November 10, 2010


Our little Vaughn has a crush on his friend Gabby. Gabby and Vaughn went to daycare together for 3 years and our daycare provider would always tell us about how Vaughn and Gabby played so well together. That they would prefer playing with each other versus another boy or girl. Gabby is probably the sweetest little girl that I know and is just so darn cute.

Well Gabby invited Vaughn to her birthday party but some how or another the birthday invite got lost. By the time that I saw it her birthday had already passed. We ended up running into Gabby and her family at Meet the Teacher Night at school. Her Mom said that the one person that Gabby really wanted at her party was Vaughn. We felt terrible so I suggested that we take her to a movie. Of course the two of them thought that was a great idea.

So we set a date and then every day after that all I heard was "Am I going to the movie with Gabby today?" It was a week out so it got a little old but it was worth the wait. During this week we went to the State Fair where Torin found some tickets for prizes on the ground. He was a good older brother in sharing them with Vaughn. Vaughn picked out a ring and said that he was going to give it to Gabby. Ok, this is all cute but seriously how does he know to give a ring to a girl.

We went to pick Gabby up and Vaughn gave her the ring saying "It a weal diamond you know." She was so excited and us Mom's just giggled about it. We hopped in the car and Vaughn just started gabbing away with her. She sat and listened with a huge smile on her face. It was really sweet.

As we were walking into the theatre the two of them were holding hands and even Torin commented "Mom they are pretty cute, aren't they?" He was right they really were. Gabby is in the same school at Kindergarten as Vaughn goes to preschool and will see each other from time to time. When we pick him up we will always hear "I see Gabby today and we waved at each other." They are just sweet little kids!

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