
June 4, 2010

Milwaukee Trip

I was daring enough to take on the adventure of driving all 3 boys down to Milwaukee by myself. It was much better than I could have ever anticipated. The boys colored, watched movies and we even sang a few songs on the drive down there. Stopping for food was another event that I was worried about. With the baby and the other two running crazy, well they surprised me again on how good they really can be. They actually helped me with Berc and were amazingly well. I guess they were just really excited to see their Milwaukee cousins, as they call them. We got there and the 4 kids played in the backyard for until it was literally too dark out to see what they were doing. In those few hours they already had the "best" weekend, as they said. Sleepovers, backyard playing, seeing family is at the top of their list. We hadn't even been back a week when Torin was asking when he could see Milwaukee Cooper again. It was great to see my family and for my family to FINALLY meet our little Berc. The adventure was worth every worry that I might have had about driving down by myself...Here are a few pictures of the kids and family....

Starting in front -- Vaughn, Zoe (my neice), Berc, Torin,
Me, Grandma Paletti (93) and Mom
Cousin Carly really couldn't enough of Berc. She was a great helper
Cooper, Torin and Vaughn chilling after a day's
worth of running around together.
I guess my Mom had the touch that day as she was able
to get our little Berc to sleep through all of us ladies gabbing away :)

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