
June 14, 2010

How big our my feet Mommy?

In reading this title one would actually think that we measure our kids feet for our middle son to ask me this question EVERY morning. But really that's what Vaughn thinks he is doing when he gets on the scale in our bathroom.

He'll see one of us get on to check in for ourselves and then he'll proceed to wait his turn and as he gets on he'll ask "Mommy how big our my feet?" We used to try and correct him in that he was measuring his body weight not his feet but if you can imagine it goes in one ear and right out the other :) So now when he says it we just smile and help me with the numbers.

Funny thing is his weight doesn't change every day so it's pretty much the same numbers every day. We went for their check up last week and when the nurse had him get on the scale there he whispered to me, "Mommy, are my feet as big here as they are at home?" It's little things like this about Vaughn that just add a ray of sunshine to our day.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Thats pretty cute Jen!