
March 17, 2010

Logic of a 6 year old...

Torin and Vaughn can be the best of brothers, seriously sometimes they will do or say things that make me feel like I am doing a great job as a Mom. Then there are times that I seriously debate whether or not I have a clue of what I am doing with these two crazy boys.

That was the moment that I had the other morning. As I am going to the bathroom I hear the shriek of Vaughn yelling, followed by running footsteps into my bathroom. Literally, there is no privacy in my life. Vaughn starts to explain that Torin threw lego's at his head, what a mean brother he is and how he does not like his morning. At this point, I'm kind of thinking that I don't like my morning either. This is followed by more footsteps of Torin into the bathroom. Now picture this, Torin has one hand on his hip, his head cocked to the side, eyes wide open and says "Umm, is he trying to tell you that I threw lego's at his head?" Yes, Torin he is. "WELL, he didn't mention then that he threw lego's at my head first, because he did." No, Torin he failed to mention that detail. "Figures!"

I ask for some privacy, yeah right, and at least Vaughn walks out of the bathroom. But my little lawyer of a 6 year old is far from done in telling his side of the story. "Mom, don't you always tell me to treat others the way that I want to be treated." Yes, Torin and just because Vaughn threw legos at you first doesn't mean that you should throw them back at him. "Yes Mom, it does. Obviously, when Vaughn threw the legos at me that is the way that he wanted to be treated. SO I threw them back at him." Let me just pause here for a second....I'm still trying to retain some privacy to go to the bathroom and get this logic thrown upon me. I'm still trying to wake up for goodness sake! I try to explain that is not really what it means, only for him to continue to argue with me and get more frustrated. Thus I tried to pull out a story of Jesus and explain that when Jesus was being crucified and people where spitting on him, throwing rocks at him, etc that he did not retaliate because it's not how he would want to be treated. Torin's response "Mom, he was nailed to the cross he couldn't retaliate." Seriously...those were his exact words. Trying another angle...Torin two wrongs don't make a right. With tears in his eyes at this point, he rolls his eyes and looks at me with utter disgust and says "Mom, that doesn't even make sense!" At that point I ask for privacy and we would talk about it later. At this point I am thinking if this is how he is arguing with me at 6, what is 16 going to be like?

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