
March 18, 2010

Bercan almost 6 months....

Seriously, where has the time little man is almost 6 months old. I will be better about putting out a monthly picture, but right now I am work and have a few seconds to just put in some of the milestones that he is at.

Rolling over is a past time hobby for this kiddo. He may not be crawling but he can get to where he wants by rolling alone. I will put him in his crib one way, on his back and a few minutes later he is completely turned around, on his tummy with his mobile in hand. I really wish we had one of those video monitors to see how he can actually get the mobile.

Eating, eating and more eating. Even if he has eaten milk and some food he will watch your every bite of food. Not sure if he is hoping to hand outs but he is very serious when it comes to food.

Picking up food....he definitely is able to get the little puffs into his hand and can get his hand to his mouth but hasn't quite figured out how to let the food go to actually eat it. I think that he's too afraid to let go of his food, in that it might be taken by an older brother, as they are always trying to eat his little puffs.

He absolutely loves his bitter biscuits! If they do fall out of his hand it will be followed by screaming cries. It pretty much goes happy, smiley baby eating biscuit to screaming, shaking baby not eating biscuit. If you really want to hurt his feelings just take his biscuit away.

Talking....well not really talking but definitely verbal in sounding like a baby dino. He is always shrieking and growling. I'm a little afraid that once this one starts talking Bjorn and I will never know what silence really is. He is good at repeating the sounds that you make at him and loves to stick his tongue out and spit. Funny thing is that he will nearly never do this while eating, again in the fear that his will loose the food that he is trying to eat.

Books...he LOVES books. I didn't think that a baby at this age would but he does. This works out for our bedtime routine as he will sit through and listen to books with Vaughn and then Torin. Torin will sometimes read to him and his whole body gets moving, especially his feet just kick all about.

Kicking...if he is sitting, laying on his back or tummy his legs are moving, and moving fast. We call it his swimming technique but it's really quite funny how he will go, go, go.

Happy....for the most part our little Berc is a laid back little man. It really doesn't take much to get him to smile. Vaughn will just laugh at him and he will smile right back. He loves his toys and nuks and the other day was smashing his parrot and nuk together. He is definitely a little boy!

The boys are still in love with him and will sometimes fight over who gets more time with him or who gets to sit next to him. It's sweet and hope that it will remain as I do remember Torin being like this with Vaughn and that is not so much the case any more :) Time will tell....

1 comment:

Kate said...

Thanks for the comment.. didn't know you guys had a blog. Of course you are always welcome to read our blog. Fun to read what your family is up to since we don't alway get to catch up that often. Take care.