
January 14, 2010

Bercan 3 months

I don't have a picture but just want to capture some of the things that he is doing this month so that it is not lost. He really is getting big. It's crazy to think how much bigger he is than the other two boys were at this age. He is wearing 6 month clothes pretty much all the time. There are a favorite couple of outfits that are 3 - 6 months that I try and stuff him into :) Bercan is a talker that is for sure, well obviously not really talking but cooing all the time. He is definitely better in the sleep department. We've had a few nights here and there where he'll go down at 9ish and sleep until 7ish. Those are the best nights ever! Otherwise he's pretty much consistent on 9ish for bedtime and 4ish for eating then up around 7:30 to 8:00. He's getting really strong on his belly, no rolling over but can lift his head with no problem what-so-ever. He can "kind of" sit. He's great in the bumpo and likes that. He's always greeting us with his super big, full face smiles, that of course can light up your day. I would say that his favorite things are his brothers, bathtime and being tickled. No giggles yet but we are trying to get them out. He got a really bad cough and cold this month but has been a trooper through it all. The other thing about him, I think it was when he was still 2 months but jotting it down now is that he loves putting his hands in his mouth. Sometimes he'll growl while sucking on them, it's really quite funny to hear this baby growling. He's trying to figure sucking his thumb but has his nook to suffice until this is mastered. Okay, those are the highlights....until the next month!

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