
March 31, 2011

More children please

I sometimes wonder how many children was I supposed to have. When Bjorn and I first got married I wanted 4 children, he wanted 2 or 3. I soon became pregnant with Torin realizing that pregnancy was not my cup of tea. Some women love it, me on the other hand not so much. I seriously thought that was the only child that I was going to have as I just didn't want to go through pregnancy again. Obviously, I changed my mind as we now have 3 but making the decision to have 3 was kind of a big one. It's one that sometimes in the midst of craziness of 3 boys I wonder what God was thinking ;) All kidding aside of course. We are content with 3 and feel that we have our hands more than full, however, Torin has really been inquiring about having more siblings. He's always been great with babies. I remember a friend of mine having twins and bringing Torin with me to "help" out. Now mind you he was only 20 months himself. But he did help in holding the bottle and feeding one of the babies when it was feeding time. When Vaughn was born he was wonderful with him. They have their moments now BUT Torin still has a very sweet spot in his heart for Vaughn. Sometimes so amazing that it literally takes Bjorn and I back a step or two. When Berc was born Torin stepped up his act that much more and is always doing things to help Berc out. He loves that little boy more than when could understand. As we were casually strolling along in the store the other day Torin says, "Mom I think that we need to pick up 2 more kids for our family." It took me back as his statement made it sound as if we could head down to aisle #4 and pick out a few kids to bring home with us :) But it has made me think more. Were we supposed to have more children. Things have been done to ensure that we do not have any more children but I got to thinking a little more....does it matter if they are biological? Having siblings that are adopted there has always been apart of me that has wanted to adopt. Now, I don't EVER think of my brother or sister as adopted. I've known them my entire life and they are my brother and sister. Our blood and genes may not come from the same people but our memeories and love that has grown throughout the years are the same. I remember the way that my brother loved me as a little kid and I don't see any difference between that and how Torin loves Bercan. As Bjorn reads this I'm sure that he will have some heart burn as this is the topic of mind for me but at the end of the day our lives are enriched by our children. Whether it's been a good day or a day that has challenged us to grow in ways that maybe we didn't want to grow its the plan that God has laid out for us.

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