
March 1, 2011


Of course all small children have imaginations. Some have imaginary friends while others will just make things up. Torin has come up with a doozy or two in his time and even I remember a few that I tried to pull over on my parents but our Vaughn has topped any imagination that I have ever known or heard of.

His imagination revolves around his stuffed monkey who's name is appropriately named "Monkey". Monkey and his family have all sorts of adventures some are pretty plain but others involve things that you couldn't imagine if you tried :)

It's pretty much a every day basis that Vaughn will come up with what we have termed "a monkey story". Torin is actually pretty good about, instead of calling his bluff on it, he'll ask questions to get more details of the story which, trust me, Vaughn is more than willing to elaborate and share.

It's gotten to the point that we have created a facebook page for Monkey. The real purpose of this was to be able to collect all the "stories" of monkey. The things that Vaughn will come with are just so funny sometimes while others are just run of the mill "try to out do" the story you just heard, to some of the most off the wall things that you really just don't know what to do with them...So if you are interested in following monkey feel free to check him out at

Until then enjoy the monkey quotes and pictures.

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