
April 15, 2011

Smarty pants....maybe?

This past week Torin has just been off kilter. He's had a fever every day, not high, but enough to keep him home from school. He's had no desire to play, eat or really do anything. The other night I decided that 1) it was too nice to stay inside with the other boys and 2) I really didn't want them hanging around their sick brother. So I asked Tor if he would be alright if we played outside and he could just stay inside and watch TV. He was fine with it and knew that if he needed me we would be in the neighborhood. Well we got back and Bjorn got back home and asked "So did you know that Torin texted me from your phone?" I asked Torin how he knew how to do that. Of course the simply answer "I looked for the place to send texts." Granted for you and I that use phones all the time would know how to easily navigate to find the icon, type the text and click send. But our kids do not use phones and don't have anything that even semi resembles it. So I looked on my phone and here is what the text read: Dear dad I was wondering if you could till me what moms cell phone number is Bjorn then called him to say that if he gave Tor my cell number that it would call the phone that he was texting from, thus not getting me. Torin giggled realizing that his plan wasn't going to work. The little guy was fine but he actually felt like eating and was wondering if I would make it for him and didn't have enough energy to walk outside to get me. Overall it was pretty amazing to us that he found the icon, found Bjorn's contact information, typed the text and sent it. That's now his new thing "Mom can I text Daddy something?". They are always so cute that I haven't been able to resist him yet.

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