
September 1, 2010

Happy Baby!!!!

I just love it when I walk into Bercan's room either in the morning or after one of his naps and he is just SO excited to see me. Literally, there is a grin from ear to ear with drool running out of his mouth and his body is just about bursting with excitement.

Why shouldn't he be like that? I mean after all he has no worries and the sight of my face makes him SO happy!! His body is bouncing and is ready for the day to start, to play and just be a little baby boy.

It made me start to think when does that stop? It's not like Torin and Vaughn wake up quite like that but they are definitely excited in the morning and have energy busting out of every limb. I'm amazed sometimes going into their rooms at 7am to find that they have turned their bed and box spring into a slide and are gleefully sliding down it with giggles and smiles looking up at me as I enter the room.

But seriously I can't remember the last time that I woke up and just bounced out of bed so excited to start the day that I had a perma grin on my face. Wouldn't it be amazing if we still did that as adults? That we would look over at our spouse and just be thrilled to see them every morning. Instead I hardly roll over to look at Bjorn but more am rolling out of bed with my eyes half open, stumble into the bathroom to get ready to workout. Trust me there is not even a slight grin on my face at this time in the morning.

So I am going to challenge myself and others that read this to try it. Pick a day that when you wake up that you are just bursting with excitement, smiling from ear to ear and that your body is bubbling with joy! If your spouse asks you what drugs you are on just tell them "Life". After all, if we are waking up in bed that is warm with a roof over our heads shouldn't we be so excited to start our day like this for being so blessed?

1 comment:

Kate said...

Thanks Jen, I needed that today! Tomorrow is MY day!!