
August 25, 2010

A son's view of Mom

The other morning while I was working out Torin had crept down from upstairs and with his blankets laid on the couch and watched the video that I was doing. I complained that I was tired and really would rather be snuggling with him on the couch than working out. He asked me why I was doing it if I didn't want to be. I told him that it was because Mommy wanted to have a better looking body, one that was trim and lean with muscle. He looked at me in his oh so serious Torin look and said "Mommy you are perfect just how you are. I love you and think you look great!"

Wouldn't it be nice if we all had that view of ourselves. I sometimes wonder if we truly look different in other people's eyes than we do when we look in the mirror. His words definitely made me think about my perspective on my life a little and I stopped working out and laid with my 7 year old and snuggled. I think I burned more calories in the joy that was going through my heart and the smile that was on my face, than any 10 minute ab could have done for me.

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