
April 13, 2010

Morning Circus Act....

Through my pregnancy with Bercan I acquired insomnia. Not the normal morning sickness or adversions to this or that....insomnia. And it stayed with me unlike the other side affects of pregnancy that usually stop once you are not pregnant any more. This has resulted in me wearing ear plugs to bed at night to help tune everything else out. Well I woke up this morning at 4am thinking that I heard one of the boys. Took one ear plug out to confirm that it was definitely the boys up to something. Both of their lights were on and they were inVaughns' room playing. Seriously they were wide awake playing as nice as could 4AM. When asked who woke who up. Torin said he woke up and was bored so woke Vaughn to see if he wanted to play and he did want to play. They were told to go back to bed, that this was not play time. Vaughn was not happy with this decision so Bjorn went into his bed to help calm him down. Finally back to sleep I am awaken to Torin in my face saying that he was scared of the thunder. "Climb in to Daddy's side" made sense to me as Bjorn was in Vaughn's room. Later in the morning Bjorn brings Bercan into me...which we fall asleep while nursing. Bjorn later shows up in bed for Torin to tell him "Umm...I think that I peed on your side Dad...sorry about that." This is all before 7am....this is life with kids :)

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