
January 1, 2011

Bercan 12 months

I want to post a few things about Bercan at 12 months as to not forget them about him when he is older. He's a determined little man whatever is said about the third one being laid back does not apply to him. He'll go with the flow but laid back is something that he does not know about. Since he started to crawl at 6 1/2 months we have been on the go. At 9 months he started to crawl up the stairs and on to things. He's a mover and a shaker. He's got a smile that can melt just about any heart and the most beautiful blue eyes. Berc's also got a lot of personality. When he's not happy he doesn't just cry he'll give you a mouth full of baby smack. I can't remember when he started doing it but it's been at least 6 months that he's been able to "trill". I've attached a movie clip of it as it's really an unusual thing for a baby but he's got it down pat. He loves to eat most things but is the most picky eater out of the boys. He adores his brother and loves his Mommy and Daddy so much. He loves to give smooches and hugs. Even though his temperament can be a challenge at times we feel blessed that God gave him the ability to express himself. Here are a couple of photos and a video clip of Berc at 12 months.

Close to taking his first steps....

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