
November 3, 2009

Gorilla's are scary...

Bjorn decided that having a Gorilla costume was about the most important thing this Halloween. Unfortunately, I did not know this. Thus, when I came home from shopping at Target one afternoon and mentioned that they had a full Gorilla costume you can imagine where we headed from there. We found ourselves at Target trying on a full size Gorilla costume. The most funny thing about this costume is that Vaughn watched Bjorn put the entire costume on but as soon as Bjorn moved and sounded like a Gorilla in it Vaughn was beyond scared, screaming in fright at Target. That afternoon Bjorn decided that it would be funny to scare Torin. You have to realize that we are a family who is all about "getting" or scaring each other. So I picked Torin up from school and the scene was put into place. Poor Vaughn who had been taking a nap woke up before I got home and came walking downstairs to find the Gorilla. He again freaked out. Bjorn said that he wanted to scare Torin, not him. Vaughn was up for it but as Bjorn put the mask back on Vaughn just was not sure about this Gorilla. I finally got home, walked to the stairs and well here's the video to tell you the rest....we hope you enjoy this one :)

1 comment:

Kristine said...

you guys are too funny. eak, that was SO not us growing up and now, EVERYTHING startles me. :)