Yes, you read the title right. Vaughn had his first bus ride yesterday. He is in a program for his speech that provides transportation to the school and since we both work this really is a HUGE
benefit for us.
benefit for us.
I started the conversation with Vaughn about a month ago about getting on the bus and he quickly responded "Me no wan go on da us". I left it alone and we talked about his class and that his speech therapist Lindsey would be his teacher. That he was very excited about!!
So yesterday morning we all went out for breakfast as it's a tradition that when we start something new we start the day off together at breakfast. We brought up the subject about him riding the bus and Torin helped explained all the rules. "If there are older boys wrestling, don't join them. Just stay in your seat." and "You can't get out of your seat until the bus comes to a complete stop". It was pretty cute the rules that he was "teaching" Vaughn and Vaughn just listened so intently.
We finished breakfast and headed to daycare as that is where the bus will pick him up. We walked to the end of the driveway, took a few pictures and you could tell that Vaughn was excited for the bus. Then the bus pulled up and his face explained it all. He wasn't really sure about this whole thing. He got on while holding my hand, looked back, walked back for one more kiss from Mom and then went to his seat like a big boy. As for those of you wondering, I did very good tears. It wasn't until Bjorn and I got into the car that I started to panic. "Maybe we should follow the bus to the school, just in case." Bjorn obviously wouldn't allow it but he was an awesome husband by going to Sandy's when the bus got off to make sure that he was alright. The school did call saying that he had a great day and had lots of fun.
These milestones are hard for Mom's. I'm so excited for him and Torin to be doing these new things and growing up but at the same time it's hard for me to see them growing up so fast.
Here are a few pictures....

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