
July 2, 2009

Family Golf

The weather was so nice Friday afternoon that we decided to cut out of work and make a tee time for 4:40. We took the boys with us as they now each have their own set of clubs. They are learning how to be patient with golf and were so good for us the first 8 holes and Bjorn and I
were hitting horribly. I think that we lost about 12 balls between the two of us so we decided to let the boys do the last hole. Torin thought that was the most awesome thing ever. He teed it up and we were both surprised how he connected with it. A couple of times he hit 40 yards so we were pretty impressed knowing that he's left-handed kid that is trying to learn with right-handed clubs. Vaughn on the other hand is just kind of all over the place. The pictures were just too cute not to show...

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