Bercan is really a happy baby even though he STILL doesn't sleep that great. I thought that the third child was supposed to be relaxed and go with the flow. Well that certainly is not our Bercan. He really only sleeps in his swing or his car seat...little stinker. If we put him in his crib he'll maybe sleep for 2 hours. Vaughn at his age was sleeping about 8 hours at night. It really makes for some long sleepless nights and when Bjorn's traveling I gain a deeper respect for single Mom's. Even with not sleeping great he's pretty easy to get smiles out of and as you can see from the pictures he's got a pretty sweet smile..

Mommy making some silly sounds is really all it takes to get
him to smile. He's been cooing for awhile and does it the most
for Torin. Just ask Torin and he'll tell you this, as he is pretty proud.
Why are you posting on your blog at 5:30 in the morning???! You should be sleeping :)
I think it was actually 6:30 and I had slept since 11pm so I felt like Super Woman :)
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