This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
November 17, 2009
Thankful for Vaughn
There are many times that Vaughn will do or say things that just crack us up. I guess that Torin is starting to find the humor in them as well. The other night at dinner Vaughn make some comment that just made us all laugh. Torin looks at him and says "Oh Vaughn, what would we do without you!" And it's true. I don't think that we would be the family we are without our Vaughny. His temper may be all me but his crazy sense of humor I think it a blessing all his own.
November 14, 2009
Torin's floor bed
Torin has an imagination that is pretty fun to see as he can be such a serious kid. It really has been the last year or so when he has began to take things like pop boxes and whatever else he can get his hands on to make into kennels for his stuffed puppies. Last night he made a bed on his floor and arranged his puppies and nerf guns just so. It's pretty cute when he explains it all to you and yes he is his Mother and Father in that the explanation takes a good 15 minutes or so to go through. This is a side of Torin that just melts my heart...
them....just in case...
Here you can see that the kid literally has every nerf gun
that he owns around him. You would think that we live
in a dangerous place but really we live in Hugo :)

that he owns around him. You would think that we live
in a dangerous place but really we live in Hugo :)
on the wall at the very top of picture was a flat screen TV
for the puppies to watch before they went to bed. This kid
can be so hilarious at times..
Bercan's Smiles
Bercan is really a happy baby even though he STILL doesn't sleep that great. I thought that the third child was supposed to be relaxed and go with the flow. Well that certainly is not our Bercan. He really only sleeps in his swing or his car seat...little stinker. If we put him in his crib he'll maybe sleep for 2 hours. Vaughn at his age was sleeping about 8 hours at night. It really makes for some long sleepless nights and when Bjorn's traveling I gain a deeper respect for single Mom's. Even with not sleeping great he's pretty easy to get smiles out of and as you can see from the pictures he's got a pretty sweet smile..
him to smile. He's been cooing for awhile and does it the most
for Torin. Just ask Torin and he'll tell you this, as he is pretty proud.
We always say a prayer when we lay the boys down to bed but this particular night I must have rushed through the prayer. Bjorn was traveling, I still had to tuck Torin in bed and Bercan really wanted to eat. So I did what I could but obviously it was not enough for Vaughn. As I was nursing Bercan I could hear Vaughn talking in his room, I couldn't make out what he was saying but he was being quite so I was fine. Before I went to bed that night I checked in on the boys only to find Vaughn in his praying position. I guess the little guy fell asleep praying and I of course had to take a picture of it as it was probably one of the sweetest things I have seen.

1st Dentist Appointment is Success
Vaughn couldn't have been more excited to go to the dentist. He actually is excited to get to do anything that Torin does, so since Torin had an appointment Vaughn felt pretty special that he did too. The hygenist was awesome showed him all the tools that they were going to use. His favorite was of course Mr. Sucky who sucked up all the water. It was pretty funny as he would close his lips and she would have to ask him 3 times to open up. At point he said "Dat Mr. Hucky is really hickly." As you can see from the picture below he was laid back and relaxed through the appointment, he really was a trooper!
November 3, 2009
Gorilla's are scary...
Bjorn decided that having a Gorilla costume was about the most important thing this Halloween. Unfortunately, I did not know this. Thus, when I came home from shopping at Target one afternoon and mentioned that they had a full Gorilla costume you can imagine where we headed from there. We found ourselves at Target trying on a full size Gorilla costume. The most funny thing about this costume is that Vaughn watched Bjorn put the entire costume on but as soon as Bjorn moved and sounded like a Gorilla in it Vaughn was beyond scared, screaming in fright at Target. That afternoon Bjorn decided that it would be funny to scare Torin. You have to realize that we are a family who is all about "getting" or scaring each other. So I picked Torin up from school and the scene was put into place. Poor Vaughn who had been taking a nap woke up before I got home and came walking downstairs to find the Gorilla. He again freaked out. Bjorn said that he wanted to scare Torin, not him. Vaughn was up for it but as Bjorn put the mask back on Vaughn just was not sure about this Gorilla. I finally got home, walked to the stairs and well here's the video to tell you the rest....we hope you enjoy this one :)
Pumpkin Craving
It was pumpkin craving time in the Larson house which means the creativity needs to come out, or maybe just the stencils that makes it look like we are creative. Except for Bjorn of course, he does not use the stencil because he really is creative :)
Bercan even joined in the fun this year. Well at least he sat there and was good enough not to require any attention while we craved pumpkins.
Bercan even joined in the fun this year. Well at least he sat there and was good enough not to require any attention while we craved pumpkins.
Spelling mistakes
Torin is now in first grade and is really into spelling things and sounding new words out. It's been fun to see him grow like this and it become comical the other night as we were driving home from a friends house. He informed us that he knew how to spell she and sheet. So he started "She is spelled s-h-i, I mean s-h-e". We told him that was correct. "And sheet is spelled s-h-i-t". After a little silence giggle from the front knowing that he doesn't have any idea what he really just spelled, we told him that sheet was like sheep in which he corrected himself "s-h-e-e-t". These kids are comedy gold!!!
3 year old + Silence = TROUBLE
Vaughn by himself can be quiet the angel and when he's home with Bercan and I, he's always a good boy. At least most of the time. The other week I was nursing Bercan downstairs and Vaughn told me that he wanted to play in his room. For the most part this is fine. Vaughn is the kind of kid, if by himself, will play in his room for 2 hours and is great. So I told him to go ahead. He had been up there for 15 minutes and it was just TOO quiet. You know the silence that as a mother has you wondering what they are up to. Well I asked him to come down and as he started to come down, he started to tell me the following "it okay mama betause I wants a mohawk and it haright, okay mama?" As he turned the corner I saw that he had taken the gel, the mohawk gel, and proceeded to try and do a mohawk. This is gel is like concrete you need maybe a size of a pea to make a mohawk. Vaughn on the other hand thought he needed half the container. It was all over and it had already set so the top of his was hard as concrete. After about 5 shampoo's later it was all out. Because of how much was in his hair I didn't even think of taking a picture but was more worried about getting it out of his hair ASAP.
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