Well believe it or not I have only gained 10 pounds in this pregnancy and the last two weeks I had not gained even an ounce and I was measuring at only 31 weeks versus the 35 that I was. The doc ordered an ultrasound to see what was going on. Thankfully we are very blessed to say that Mr. Tator Tot is doing great. Funny enough the ultrasound tech said, that given his measurements and size, she would put me further out than 35 weeks. He's about 6 lbs and everything looked perfect. Hope you enjoy the pictures...
His arm is right by his chin. He's definitely a mover and groover and I think wants out as much as I do :)

Good face picture....

The object that is above is forehead is actually his foot. He is pretty jammed pack in there and a pretty flexible little man to have his foot to his forehead ;)
Thanks for sharing! I wouldn't worry about how you're measuring - the "standards" just aren't used to super fit hot running mamas!
Thanks Karissa!!! Now knowing that he's 6 pounds and healthy I may just start up the running/walking again.... :)
Thank you Thank you Thank you for sending this along!
Very cool! Glad things are looking good. Awaiting the news...
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