I did a Mom's on the Run club this Spring and Summer that ended the class with a 5k race honoring Shawn Silvera a Lino Lakes Police Officier who was killed in the line of duty. His wife, Jennifer Silvera, puts on this race in memory of her husband and also is a member of the Mom's on the Run club. I've posted a link to her book Believe and would highly recommend it to anyone.
http://believenow.net/Seeing as though I'm 9 months pregnant I opted out of the 5k race and we decided to do the family 2k run/walk. Well with the sound went off to go Torin took off and Vaughn wanted nothing to do with it. Being that I wanted to see Torin I decided that I would try and at least keep him in sight and Bjorn tried running with Vaughn on his back. Torin got into first place and pretty much held that until the half way mark. I then caught up with him because at that point he had started to walk. A boy came up from behind us and of course Torin started up again. We pretty much ran together the last half. Once we saw the finish I told Torin to leave me in the dust and get his kick out. He took off and spent whatever he had left to cross the finish line.
He ended up coming in 2nd for kids and 5th overall. Even though it was only a family fun run/walk I of course was VERY proud of him. Craziest thing of all...I forgot the camera :( Oh well hopefully there will be more races to get the pictures but I will have the memory in my head forever....maybe there is hope in having a running partner :)