Torin's party was great! We had a reptile guy come in and show all types of animals but I think the highlights were the 14 ft. python, the alligator snapping turtle and the alligator named Allie of course. Yes, as you will see in the pictures we had a 3 ft. alligator in our house. This is what it is like to be a Mom of a boy who loves reptiles. Torin and all of the kids were actually super well behaved for the entire presentation. I was pleansantly surprised that it went off so well! Here are some of the pictures. The guy who did it was from RAD Zoo (Reptiles and Anphibinans) He was AWESOME and I would recommend them to any one. Torin got to hold some of the animals since he was the birthday boy. I know that he really digged that! In order to go with the theme

Vaughn had a great party even though it got rained out and we had to be in the house. He had a super hero party as that is really what he is into lately. It's crazy as Torin really never went through a spider man/super man phase. He had a couple of pj's but wasn't obsessed about it like Vaughn is. Vaughn wears a super hero costume or pj's whenever we will let him or he prefers to run around half naked. Don't believe just ask our neighbors. They have two small girls and I'm thinking the we need to nip this one in the bud before we start scarring them for life of jungle man Vaughn in his underwear. What can I say the kid is little bit of a free spirit :) Here are a couple of pictures of from Vaughn's party. The outfit he is in is a power ranger costume...this was the third one that he had on for the party. First spider man, then batman and finally a power ranger. I will say he definitely provides us loads of humor.

1) You're nuts to let those animals in the house, they wouldn't get further than my garage.
2) You're the best mom to let those animals in your house! What lucky boys you have!
3) The naked/underware sporting look must be a Selin thing.
If you only knew how much I hated snakes you would know that I really don't want them even on my property, not less in my house :) Hope you are doing well. I know you guys were just here but any summer trips planned? The boys had so much fun together...I wish you lived closer.
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