This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
August 29, 2011
Proud Mommy Moment
The only issue was that the 8 / 9 year olds were going to see Captain America. The Mom emailed asking if Captain America was alright, seeing as though it was PG-13. I had to say that we don't let the boys watch PG-13 movies. We've always told the boys that the movie industry, not Mom or Dad, have rated the movies based on what "THEY" think is appropriate for the audience. The boys have understood that a movie rated PG-13 is not something that is appropriate for them based on what the movie experts think. It's not that I am trying to be over protective but more teach them that if a movie is rated in a certain way that it is to their benefit not to watch it.
The Mom understood and I did apologize as I felt bad being one of "those" parents but I had to stick to what we have always told the boys. She said that some of the other parents felt the same way and some of the kids had already seen Captain America so everyone was going to see Smurfs. I was relieved as saying all of this is much easier then actually having that conversation with Torin.
We got to the movie and while eating pizza the lady organizing the event asked how many were going to Smurfs and how many for Captain America. My heart sunk. I didn't know this was still an option. Torin looked completely confused as I hadn't even mentioned to him to that Captain America was an option. He looked around to see all of the older boys raising their hands for Captain America and raised his hand too. I had not prepared for this and I was a little at a loss of how to handle it.
I walked over to him and explained that Captain America was PG-13 and his face just dropped. "But Mom all of my friends are going to it." I felt terrible for him. Truly I didn't want to embarass him so I totally caved. I told him that I would make a HUGE exception this one and only time but that I would have to go to the movie too. I told him I wouldn't sit next to him that I would sit next to the Dad that was going. But I had to go in case the movie had certain things that I didn't think were right for him to see, that I needed to see it too if he would have questions about it. Torin was fine with this plan, so I thought.
The rest of the night went fine with cake, a tour of the production rooms and then getting into line for the movies. Torin initially went into Captain America and then at the last minute jumped out of line and got in line for the smurfs. I was completely surprised. ALL of his friends were in line for Captain America. I had given him permission to go. So why the change? I went over to him and said "Honey, I told you it was alright. What's going on?" He looked at me and said "Super hero's are lame anyway and I know it's not appropriate for me Mom." I about feel over. Here is an 8 year old kid who even when given permission is doing the right thing. I asked him if he was sure and he told me, "Yes, I think that the Smurfs is going to be really funny." I told him that he had made me the proudest Mommy ever and asked if I could reward him with a slushie for such a great decision that he had made. He of course accepted.
Smurf's really wasn't that good in my opinion. I have seen much better kid movies but it was the best movie ever due to the choice that Torin had made. He stood up for what he knew was right no matter if that meant that he didn't get to go with his friends and instead hanging out with his 5 year old brother and other 5 / 6 year olds. That is beyond my imagination for a 8 year old but I hope and pray that he models this behavior for the rest of the hard times that are yet to come in his life.
On our way home I told him that Noni, my Mom, used to let me watch R and PG-13 rated movies all of the time when I was his age. His response was "I bet you used to have a lot of nightmares." And he's right, I did. Not sure if my Mom missed out on the whole "what's appropriate for kids to see" thing as I am still a little freaked out by clowns after watching Poltergist. I told Torin that there are going to many more times in his life when his friends are going to do things that he will know are not right. He looked at me really weird and said "Like what?" I said that when he is a teenager that some kids might drink and smoke. That it will look like fun even though it is wrong to do and he might be tempted to try it. His face got an even weirder look on it and said "That's gross Mom. I'm never going to drink or smoke." I told him that I prayed he never would but that I would be here for him either way praying that when life gets harder that he stands up for what he knows and believes is right like he had tonight.
August 9, 2011
Growing in more than one way
I prayed about it and knew that I needed to trust God on this one as Torin REALLY wanted to go. How could I as a parent tell him "no" to expanding his knowledge and love for God just to make myself feel comfortable? Well, obviously, I couldn't so off he went. I emailed him every day and was literally the first parent at camp on Saturday to pick him up. And he was fine and happy to see me. He told me about chapel and the awesome worship songs that they sung. He got to drink diet coke, obviously not cool with that part but a small thing for what he learned. Then the question came "Mom, next year can I go for the full week?". Obviously Torin had no idea what life was like for me the past 3 nights ;)
The winter came and then the spring, sign up for Trout Lake Camp came and the question resurfaced. I will say that I was maybe a little more open to it then I had been the morning that I picked him up BUT still was not overly ambitious to sign him up for a full week. Of course the other parents were going to. I began to wonder what was wrong with these parents. I tried convincing these parents of just doing the 4 days / 3 nights again to find out that I wasn't going to win that conversation. I signed him up for the full week and he was literally ear to ear smile.
Well the Spring went super fast and June was crazy busy for us that before I knew it, it was literally 2 days until he left for camp. Anxiety set in for me. I really did not want to let him go for a week. I talked with him, calmly, saying "I know you can handle it Torin but maybe we could still call and change it to the shorter stay. You could still stay with your friends just for a shorter time." Torin looked at me with a very loving but also a too grown up look on his face and said very camly but matter of factly to me "Mom, you are going to be alright." and gave me a hug. Really? I will be alright? Wasn't he concerned about how he would do? Is he 8 or 18? I just wasn't sure if I was going to be alright. And why was he so convinced that I would be?

August 5, 2011
New Ears
It is interesting that the noises Vaughn had heard before our much louder. He's complained about church being too loud, the vaccum being too loud and of course his baby brother being too loud. I think that he's finally adjusting to the noise level but it's been interesting to hear from him what he considers "loud" ;)

Ears are "two thumbs" up!
July 26, 2011
Baseball Win = Cup and cone
Now that the boys are playing sports and there is an ice cream place of Cup and Cone we have implemented the family tradition with one exception. If the boys do an outstanding job but still do not win we cave and take them. One game Vaughn had scored his first goal ever and we just had to celebrate that victory. The boys love going but already understand that if they don't win or have a stellar game that there is always next week to try and earn a trip to Cup and Cone. Here are a few pictures of them celebrating a win!!!

Twins Birthday Celebration
June 19, 2011
Day 3 - DC Vaca
Day 2 DC Vaca
June 13, 2011
Day 1 - Door County Vaca
May 16, 2011
Where is he?
I had seen him by the entrance of the store. I called to him "Vaughny come back by me please?" He always listens to me because he is afraid of not being by me. He's afraid of being left, any where. I looked up and he wasn't there. I didn't fret it, AT ALL. He's a kid after all hiding under the clothes rack is part of his DNA. A couple more minutes went by and I still didn't see him. Still no worries. I went up to the front of the store and he wasn't there. Not worried. Called his name a couple of times no response. Not worried. I searched the store looking in the changing rooms, under the racks, No Vaughn. A tiny bit worried. I'm sure he just went into the adult section of the store. Started looking there, couldn't find him. The clerk at the store asked me what he was wearing "Ahh...a white shirt and khaki pants." A little more worried. Checked that side of the store. He wasn't in the store. Worried now. The clerk locked the store down. I looked out of the store in the mall. I couldn't see him any where. My heart started to race. It had been over 10 minutes now that I had seen him last. I peaked in some of the other stores, mall security was called. At about 15 minutes I started to cry, harder and harder as each minute went by with not knowing where he was. I remembered seeing a guy in the kids section of the store. He smiled at me and the boys. I smiled back at him. He wasn't in the store anymore. Why was that man by himself in the children's section? Thoughts and questions were flying through my mind. I couldn't answer any of them but each one made me more and more scared.
The panic had more than set it. I was hysterical. I showed a picture of him to the security. I called Bjorn he jumped in the car and started to head for the mall. I retold the story to everyone that asked. At this point now it was 30 minutes. I started to think of all the things I hadn't told him, all of the things that I had wanted for him. Will I ever see him again? How could this be happening? This was my worst nightmare coming true. Just then a call came through on the security officers radio that they think they found him. I asked where "By Herbergers" he started to walk down there. I started to run....faster and faster and faster crying the whole way. Torin could hardly keep up with me. I saw him and he saw me. It was the classic running into each others arms until he got up to me, hit me and through tears cried "Why did you leave me?". I told him I didn't leave him that I would never ever leave him.
I asked if someone had taken him. "No mama. I walked out and couldn't find you again. I thought you had left the store." We concluded that he either saw someone like me walk out of the store or got out of the store, became disoriented and couldn't find the store again. He was half way across the mall outside near the parking lot trying to find the car. A lady saw him without a parent, asked him if he was lost and brought him into the mall and found security. God bless that womean as she is seriously an angel to me.
This was the most horrible event that I have ever been through. I'm seriously still really shaken up about it today. I got into work today and saw all the art that he has made for me. One is a heart that has his name at the top, mine at the bottom and a heart in the middle. The caption reads, "This is a picture of my heart. It is for my family because I love them." I instantly got tears in my eyes. I was thinking about going for a run tonight and thought what if he had been taken. I would never be able to run without crying for him. Vaughny loves running with me. Tells me he is my runner boy. It's all these little things that are making me realize how VERY different things could have been.
During those 30 minutes I prayed that God would be with him, protect him, bring him back to me. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring him back to me. And He did. These last 24 hours have not been fun. I have been thinking about what I could've or should've done. Last night when I prayed with Vaughn he prayed that next time he will choose not to go with me to the mall but to just to stay home. It made me feel terrible. I know that this happens to many parents but it was just too much for me.
I am purely writing this as a means to try and get these thoughts out of my head to not haunt me any more. I'm so frazzled that anything I do seems to be so unimportant. Why did this happen? Was it a sign from God? I can't help to think through these things. Is it because I'm so analytical that I can't stop thinking about the what if's, could've been type questions? I don't know why but I hope to put these thoughts past me and look at it as an opportunity to talk through what happend to Vaughn with him, as what to do when he looses Mama and a lesson to realize just how precious our time is with these gifts from God.
May 9, 2011
Baseball season was upon us this summer and I knew that there would be the annual fundraising event. Torin did great with this last summer but it did take some of my encouragement for him to get out door to door to do it. This summer was much different.
On our way home from getting the fundraister I told him that we got the fundraising packet and he got all excited to get out and sell the coupon cards. I told him that this year it was going to be harder as there were more boys in the neighborhood this year that were in baseball and had the same fundraiser. He got this little sparkle in his eye and asked "When we get home can we go out and sell them right away." I said of course and told him "The early bird gets the worm." After explaining what this exactly meant Torin was ready to go.
Literally we got home, he grabbed a gatorade and out we went going door to door. The little guy sold 24 coupons by the end of the trip. He said to me "Mom lets go in and have lunch then go back out, okay?" I was ready to rest and was tired myself. Thankfully, he didn't want to go back out and honestly I was alright with that.
The next day I didn't bring it up as it was Mother's Day and it just seemed didn't seem right to be selling. Torin didn't even bring it up but when we went to Nana and Papa's later that day he definitely was alright selling one to Nana and even put his baseball cap on to give her his sales speech.
It is fun to see him take the initiative and make the sales. Although I know I'm his Mom and I'm supposed to think the best of him, the little guy did do quite good in his sales speech and was complimented a few times on it. Personally, I don't know how anyone could say no to him with his hair just sticking out of his baseball cap, his tanned little face, bright blue eyes, baseball pants and his smooth little speech. Again, I am his Mom so of course I think this but he was just too cute :)
His goal is to sell three packets. We'll see if he makes it. I think that he was the right attitude to make it happen!
April 27, 2011
Christmas Cookies - Easy AGAIN
April 18, 2011
Prayers of an older brother....
April 15, 2011
Smarty pants....maybe?
March 31, 2011
More children please
March 4, 2011
Christmas Eve

A picture of the boys and Sadie before dinner. The boys loved hanging out with
the puppies. And the puppies really loved them! Berc was like a new little chew toy
they both got used to each other in the few days that we were there.

Berc with his little seahorse. It was pretty cute to see him
walk around with the little guy. Just hugging and kissing it.

Torin and his dragon seahorse. I have to say that it was
a pretty cool stuffed animal. The best thing is that we actually
got to see live ones when we went to the aquarium.
March 2, 2011
When Torin I were talking about his friend he shared with me that Jacob had said that he had cried about loosing his Grandpa a few times. Torin said that he felt bad for him. I started to explain that loss, even though it is part of God's plan, that it is hard to accept and live with. Now let me explain that this little boy's Grandpa was outstanding and an exception to most Grandparents. He lived his life around his grandchildren. He went to every practice and every game. At the wake we said that Jim probably went to more games and practices then we did as parents as we would often trade off due to work or other obligations. Torin knew this and was sure to point out that Jacob's grandpa wasn't just like that for hockey but also baseball. These kids notice this sort of thing.
I explained to Torin that when someone is around all the time like that and then suddenly isn't it's hard to accept and it can make people feel sad and alone. It was this comment that Torin became REALLY sad and said "If Dad died I just don't know what I would do Mom." I could tell by his voice that he was on the verge of crying. I told him that Daddy had no plans of dying any time soon and that he takes good care of himself so he was going to be around for a long time. My words were able to soothe his fears but it started to make cherish that we did have our Daddy around.
It really tied into a conversation that I had recently with my brother. As he lost our Dad when he was 6 years old. His son is almost 6 and he has been thinking more about that his son is almost at the age he was when he lost our Dad. It's something that I have never thought about it, as our Dad passed when my Mom was still pregnant with me. It's a different sortof loss between my brother and I. But seeing how just the thought of it impacted Torin moved a piece of me that hasn't been moved before.
Reflecting on it now makes me want to spend each day cherishing the loved ones that we have with us now. As we never know when suddenly it will be taken away from us.
March 1, 2011
February 24, 2011
First of many ocean trips
Christmas Memories 2011
The only Christmas that I will NEVER forget as a kid was when my parents took us to Mexico for Christmas. Christmas morning there was not a tree of presents to be found, or the craziness of wrapping paper being torn into, no new toys to play with BUT we had our family all together for 7 days of fun in Mexico. We spent quality time together, visited places we had never been before, got to learn about a culture beyond our happy little American one and it was awesome! Why they never did it more than that time I don't know but they are memories that I will never forget.
So Bjorn and I decided that we would take the family to California in lieu of presents. It was our memories versus materials plan. I gave up my birthday gifts as well to make it possible to do this. Bjorn and I did not exchange presents and we did not buy any for the kids. Because the kids still SO believe in Santa we got them a small gift each from Santa. The kids had no idea about California as we decided to keep it a surprise. Bjorn has an Aunt and Uncle and I have cousins there that we don't get to see alot. Thus we arranged to stay with them and make it a little extended family trip as well.
We had everything packed and ready to go. Started to get the kids up, get them dressed and headed down to breakfast. The funny thing is none of them asked "Why are we getting up?". After all Torin knew that he didn't have school and that Christmas break was starting. They all just followed our lead. As we were eating breakfast, we handed them a gift. We had bought a dog toy to hint as to where we were going even though at this point they had no clue what was going on. Torin and Vaughn ripped into it and Torin says "It's a dog toy." with a puzzled look. At this point Ryan, Bjorn's brother showed up. Now Torin knew something was up.
We said that Ryan just wanted to stop by. They bought it even though Torin was still a little skeptical of that answer. So we said we were going to visit someone that had dogs and thought that they would maybe want to bring that with. They started guessing people in town. So we showed them a picture of Louise and Perry's dogs. Torin says...."That's Auntie Louise's dogs." And right after he said it out loud it clicked to where we were going "WE'RE GOING TO CALIFORNIA" he yelled. We said yep and both the boys started going crazy. They were so excited. Torin asked when and I said "Well we need to leave in about 5 minutes." He was so shocked he didn't know what to do. "Mom, I have to pack", "It's done Torin. Your bag is packed in the car.", "Did you get my Shawn White shirt? My DS, my Pokeman cards...I have to show Gavin my Pokeman cards Mom." He went on and on and thankfully I had thought of everything that he mentioned so we were good to go. The boys jumped into the van with smiles as big as I had ever seen them and we were off to the airport.
The boys did great on vacation and we got a ton of quality time in along with seeing family and making a ton of great memories. After all it is pretty rare in MN to be able to go for hike on Christmas day :) Torin had really wanted a Wii for Christmas and when we were in the airport on our way home from the trip I asked "Torin wasn't this trip better than any Wii." Torin said that was a tough question that he would have to think about and to ask him again later. About an hour later he asked me "Mom ask me that really hard question again." So I asked him and his response was "It really was better. Because we got to be together the entire time. I got to see Auntie Louise, Uncle Perry, Gavin, Dylan and their Mom and Dad. We got to go hiking, to the ocean, see the elephant seals, the aquarium, see glass being blown, geocaching, eating at that really fun restaurant, the skate park and just be together. That was better than any Wii. Thank you so much Mom for taking us on this trip!"
That response was of course the one that I was looking for but when I actually heard it, it melted my heart because I knew that this was something that he was never going to forget. These memories that were made were ones that were going to last a lifetime. To me that is priceless and something that no material thing could replace.
We decided that every other year we are going to do the memories versus materials. Bjorn and I have already starting plotting out the next SURPRISE :) The next few posts will show the pictures from the trip. I hope you enjoy them all :)

He's such a combination of the boys at this age.
It will be interesting to see who he tends to look like
more in the years to come.

I love the way that he is looking at Bjorn in this picture...
Lots and lots and lots of snow
Even thought I loathe this winter weather my children are far from sharing the same opinions on it. Little Bercan is by far the craziest snow/cold weather lover I have ever met at his age yet. We had about 17 inches of snow and it was cold. Single digits, negative with windchills and when I finally brought him in because his cheeks were red he threw a tantrum. Oh well he was coming in with Mama.
Here are some pictures to show just how much snow that we got...
February 16, 2011
Nose Picker
I asked how he knows that they NEVER have picked their noses. Curious as to where his logic is coming from, "Because they would have choose the wise choice to use a kleenex." Hmmm, interesting point. I let him have that one, kiss him good night and tell him thanks for the point of clarification :) What a funny little man!!!
February 15, 2011
Reflecting on Tor's Doc Appointment
We got into the room and the doctor started to ask HIM questions. How do you feel Torin? Where does it hurt Torin? It seemed odd at first why wasn't she asking ME those questions. I'm the Mom. Well, it's because he's almost 8 and can talk for himself. I felt so out of place almost in a surreal world. Was my baby that big that he could articulate the symptoms that he was feeling? Yep, he was. He explained in detail when it started, how it felt and where it hurt the most. It was cute and hard all at the same time.
I was proud that he could do this but also a little sad. I felt a little not needed which as a Mom does not feel good. Unfortunately, the big guy had croup. The first of any of my boys which is kind of interesting since it was my almost 8 year old that was the first to get it.
I know that these situations will be more frequent then less as the years go on but it doesn't mean that I have to love every second of them. I feel blessed that he is able to do this and will reflect on that versus the growing up-not-needing-Mom-as-much part of it :)
February 7, 2011
An Afternoon with Vaughn
When I told him that I was going to be coming to his school with him he was so excited. On the way there, he asked me if I had to go to the bathroom. Odd I thought but when I told him that I didn't. He explained to me if I did that the bathrooms were right outside his classroom. Here are the other details that he provided.
1. Mom if you have to wash your hands our sink at school comes out like a shower. You don't have to stand on the step though cause you are tall enough.
2. If you get hungry I think that there are some Craisins on the counter that you can have. (When I told the teacher about this she said that she had brought some in last week ;)
3. At circle time if I wanted to sit on his square with him I could.
This was all on the 5 minute drive to his school. I guess my little man is just trying to make sure that I have a good first day at school with him.
It was a ton of fun to see him in his element and just to get to be with him. I received many hugs and kisses throughout the couple of hours and I have to say that it was the best couple hours of my day :)
January 28, 2011
Academic Star
Kindergarten was fine for Torin, 1st grade was more of an awakening to that he is an average kid and trust me we feel VERY blessed for having an average kid. It wasn't until this past month that Torin has broken out a little more. He's trying more and things are coming more easily to him.
We got an email from his teacher last week that stated on his achievement test that he had gone 11 points over from where they had hoped he would be at the end of the year. Now, we really don't take these tests too serious and especially myself NEVER being good at standardized test don't get too hung up on them. However, the test that he had taken at the beginning of the year projected his growth to be at a "20" by the end of the school year and mid way he is already scoring "31". His teacher was really impressed by this and said that it was the most growth out of the entire class. Then Torin came home last night and said that for the math achievement test they had wanted him to be at "100" by the end of the year and he scored "203".
So I am bragging a little bit and the reason why is that I am just SO proud of him. Reading is by far not his favorite thing to do but he knew that it was something that he had to work on. He tried hard and is now gleaming from the results of it. This is such a rewarding thing to see as a parent. Just so proud of our little bug-a-boo :)
January 26, 2011
When I have a wife....
Monday night we dropped the kids off at Bjorn's parents to try and pick out some tile. It was an errand that needed us both focused versus one of us gathering the troops and ensuring they didn't take the store down. We had met at Bjorn's parents house thus we had two cars. Vaughn of course picked me to drive home with. He and I always have our little conversations when it's just the two of us. I treasure these moments and this is why....
Out of the blue he says to me, "Mom, when I have a wife you can come over and watch our kids, okay?". I of course am thinking this is too cute and ask if I could come over once a week to watch their kids so they can go on date night. A silent pause, "Ahh...yeah that would work out great Mom. And sometimes we drop them at your house so they can sleepover, that okay?" I love these so grown up conversations that will most likely end in the coming years and not be brought up again until he really does have a wife and kids.
On the other hand Torin still tells me that he is going to have 11 children. I hope that Bjorn and I are still active enough to keep up with ALL of these potential grandchildren :)