Ahh....the day is here, my youngest and last little man is turning 1. This day seemed so far away 8 months ago when sleep wasn't consistent, he wouldn't sleep laying down but only in a car seat or a swing. I remember falling asleep with him laying on my chest and thinking that him turning 1 seemed much farther than 300 days away. But here it is. It's crazy to think of all that he has done in one year!!!
He has added such joy to our family, that words cannot truly express to just what level. Being the third I will say that he is a little ham, always trying to make us laugh and he is definitely a Mama's boy. I don't mind that one bit :)
That morning we went into his room as a family and sang him happy birthday. I thought it was funny as the boys were really excited to doing this for Berc. We all went in and sang him happy birthday while he stood at his crib. He was so happy to see us and be greeted with a song. Not a typical day occurrence but one that you could tell he was really enjoying. Along with being a ham, he will definitely let you know when he is not happy with something. He can be distracted to something new for the most part. But he'll still throw down a little baby temper tantrum if he feels in the mood. He's always up for a good hug and of course food. He is by far our biggest boy yet. He is 5 pounds bigger than Torin at 1 and 3 pounds bigger than Vaughn. He's our Bubba for sure!
He had a good birthday celebrating with family, digging into a cake and opening presents. Here are a few pictures of the birthday boy!
Happy little boy loving his family sing to him
It's funny, it's as if he knew that it was his day.
The way he smiled and posed away for me.
A fun little photo of my littlest man.
He was really not sure what to do at first but by the next
photo you can see that he figured it out :)
I love that he took a fork to it. This is a Berc "thing".
If he is eating he wants a fork or spoon, even if he isn't
using it he needs one in his hand and will let you know
about it if you don't allow him to have. Why grab with
your hands when you can use a fork to dig in :)
Daddy and Mommy with Berc and his fork.
You'll see in the video below that even at
one he really knows how to use that fork.