So we are that crazy family, or maybe it's more that I am that crazy person but I LOVE going to the state fair. I love the corn dog, dole whip, big pickle, cheese curds, martha's cookies and of course the to die for corn. But I also love the kids getting to go into the animal buildings and going down the big green slide. It's just so much fun! Last year I was literally about to pop and wasn't feeling the best thus the fair was not really what I wanted it to be. I thought this year Berc might be a little bit of a challenge but it couldn't be worse than last year. That was a good thought until we realized that his formula had leaked out of the bottle and all over the warm clothes for later in the evening. This meant that 1) baby had no food and 2) we had no warm clothes for later. Not a great start to the night. We did get all the food, except I forgot the dole whip :( Next year!!! We got to go down the slide, Torin found some free tickets in the arcade and both of the boys got toys, we got to see all the baby animals, fishes and of course a little live music just for Bjorn. It didn't start the way that we had hoped but I think it ended up alright. Until the next state fair....

The end of the night listening to music with Daddy. Thankfully his PJ's were in his diaper bag and didn't get wet :)

Vaughn so tired that he convinced Torin to carry him or try to at least. It lasted about 1 minute.

Holding the baby animals is always so much fun!

He did want his forumla but was quickly distracted with Martha's cookies. Watch out cookie monster cause Bercan was fierce with those cookies.

Torin, Mom and Vaughn on the big slide

Yep, even Berc got a ride down the big slide.

Beginning of the night. Everyone happy, clean and ready to go :)