
January 26, 2010

Posts are out of order :(

Heading back to work has been stressful and lets just say any organization I had with trying to keep our family of 5 together has completely fallen apart. It's alright, it's the way it goes but felt that I needed to at least state why my posts are not in any time sequence and are more just that I have a moment at work to try and catch up. So know that I am doing my best to keep this going and that I haven't gone completely crazy....yet :) Pictures from Christmas and others are coming....busy week this week but hopefully this weekend.

Heading back to school

Torin has decided that in first grade he really is not sure that he likes going to school all that much. He'll tell us that it's boring and that he has to sit there and write all day. We of course tell him to "suck it up" as there are many more years in front him. Before Christmas break all he could ask was how many more days till Christmas break. I seriously think he was more excited about having a break from school then he was about the presents. We did have a lot of things planned that unfortunately didn't get accomplished because Torin got a high fever and pretty much just wanted to lay around the house. After being home bound for so long I would have thought he was excited about school just to see his friends. His first day back to school I picked him up from school and asked how his day went. "It was ok but I would've have rather been home with my family Mom." I asked if that is why he doesn't really ever want to go to school and he said that he would be home with his family than going anywhere. I suppose if that's his reason for not liking school how can I blame him :)


Bercan's a literally took a day or so and the little man figured it out. Now when he is laid on his back he automatically rolls to his tummy. You can tell he thinks that he's pretty coolwhen he does it as he'll get a huge smile on his face. Diaper changing has become a little more adventurous but it's so much fun to see this milestone being reached for the little guy. Of course, his brothers think that he's pretty cool too. Although if you didn't know that Bercan was a baby you would think that he's our family dog these days with Torin and Vaughn saying "Roll over, roll over Bercan....good boy!" It's his new "trick" that the boys love to show off.

Vaughn's Faith

It always amazes me that these little kiddo's can have such a profound faith in God but Vaughn definitely has displayed this more than one time. Somtimes the prayers he comes up with are enough to make you feel inadequate as an adult where sometimes we are bitting our tongues not to laugh at what he comes up with. Recently, we had our cousin Cassie watching Vaughn for the day. They were just playing when out of the blue he asked her "Do you ove God?" Cassie replied that she did. Vaughn's resposne was "God ives in my art, right here." pointing to his heart. Cassie agreed and said that God was in her heart too. Vaughn looked her and shaking his head said "Umm, no". I guess Cassie didn't make the cut :) We'll work with him on that.

January 14, 2010

Bercan 3 months

I don't have a picture but just want to capture some of the things that he is doing this month so that it is not lost. He really is getting big. It's crazy to think how much bigger he is than the other two boys were at this age. He is wearing 6 month clothes pretty much all the time. There are a favorite couple of outfits that are 3 - 6 months that I try and stuff him into :) Bercan is a talker that is for sure, well obviously not really talking but cooing all the time. He is definitely better in the sleep department. We've had a few nights here and there where he'll go down at 9ish and sleep until 7ish. Those are the best nights ever! Otherwise he's pretty much consistent on 9ish for bedtime and 4ish for eating then up around 7:30 to 8:00. He's getting really strong on his belly, no rolling over but can lift his head with no problem what-so-ever. He can "kind of" sit. He's great in the bumpo and likes that. He's always greeting us with his super big, full face smiles, that of course can light up your day. I would say that his favorite things are his brothers, bathtime and being tickled. No giggles yet but we are trying to get them out. He got a really bad cough and cold this month but has been a trooper through it all. The other thing about him, I think it was when he was still 2 months but jotting it down now is that he loves putting his hands in his mouth. Sometimes he'll growl while sucking on them, it's really quite funny to hear this baby growling. He's trying to figure sucking his thumb but has his nook to suffice until this is mastered. Okay, those are the highlights....until the next month!

Torin and the ladies

It's pretty funny the things that kids say but I swear Torin is a teenager trapped in a 6 years old body sometimes. He talks about who he is dating, who he is dumping like he is seriously 13 years old. I, of course, remind him that there is no "real" dating until he is 30. So far he is still compliment with these terms. At a PTA meeting the other night one of the girls from Torin's class was at the meeting. We were talking afterwards and she said that Jordan talks about Torin all the time, how sweet he is and so cute. So I told Torin this when I got home and his response was "Yeah, I got my eye on that girl". Seriously, where does he come up with these lines. It's just so funny and cracks Bjorn and I up. I wonder how he is going to be talking when he really is a teenager. Makes me a little nervous.

January 12, 2010

First day back to work :(

Well believe it or not, Bercan is almost 4 months old. It makes me so sad to think that he is already that old. What makes me even more sad is that I had to return to work yesterday. When I went back to work after Torin I was fine. It was something that I just did, didn't think a ton about it. With Vaughn it was a little harder because the boys were just so much fun together. This time round is horrible. I hate leaving them, even more than I thought I would. I was able to get out of work in time yesterday to pick Torin up from school. He actually was just starting to walk home when I drove by. He jumped in and we started on our way to get his brothers. The new daily rat race of the logisitcal nightmare of daycare with 3 kids. As he got settled into his booster seat he looked up at me and said "Mom, how was your first day back at work? Did you do ok?" It just warmed my heart to know that he was thoughtful enough to ask me how I was doing. I told him that it was ok but not anything like being home with my boys. He agreed but then informed me that he has to go to school all day and misses Bercan too. So I guess we have something in common :) Hopefully, I can keep up with my blog now that I am back to work...I'll do my best...

January 2, 2010

Vaughn's first time skating

Vaughn has been wanting to do what Torin does since...well the very beginning of his time. The poor kid has been dragged to countless events of Torin's...karate, soccer, swimming, hockey and who knows what else. Well he got to put on skates at the New Year's Eve party at Goenner's this year and really try it out. He had been going back and forth on the wall and then decided to go out and try it without any assistance. He did great and he was so proud of himself as were we. The video is really blurry but you can see that he made it a ways before are few photos too :)
Second time getting his feet under him and moving...
Holding onto the wall for Mama to get a picture

Vaughn skating for the very first time

Bercan's First Trip To Door County

Bercan's first trip to Door County was a successful one. We stayed in a new place that was really nice. An indoor playground and pool were the highlights of the boy's trip. Even Bercan got to try out the pool. Unfortunately, I came down with walking pnemonia so I wasn't that fun to be around but the boys had a great time and Bjorn even got to get a book read. Amazing I know :) It was fun to see Noni and celebrate Thanksgiving together! Of course we got to see Sarah, Slade and Josie. Always a fun time to get the kiddo's together and to catch up on times.
Josie holding Bercan so carefully
Torin and Berc in the room after Thanksgiving dinner at Alexander's..
Mommy and Berc testing out the pool. He really enjoyed the hot tub.
Our little beefcake :)

Christmas Card Pictures

I didn't want to post them before I sent out the cards so here they are the latest and greatest family photo's. Thanks to our neighbor for bringing out her stools and snapping a few of the five of us...
The boys actually being good for a nano second in time :)
Sweet baby Berc
Vaughn and his cheesy smile but beautiful blue eyes
Torin being my great little poser
Our family picture

January 1, 2010

Santa is too tired...

It amazes me that Torin still has such a strong belief in Santa. I don't wrap the presents in different wrapping paper or do really anything to try and hide it. I write the "to" and "from" in capitol letters but that's about it. We left a note from Santa to the kids and this year we forgot so Bjorn quickly wrote one out. No questions were asked about the handwriting looking like Bjorn's or that the letter wasn't there right away. I mean seriously the kid just believes without a doubt. This year Bjorn got his LCD 52" TV. We decided to bring it up from the basement and put a bow on it. Torin was so pumped for Bjorn saying that Santa brought him the TV. Later that day Bjorn and Torin went into the basement to try out his new heely shoes. Bjorn had left the DVD and other components for the TV down in the basement. When Torin saw them he asked what they were and Bjorn said that they were for the new TV. Torin thought for a second and said "Oh, I bet after Santa brought the TV upstairs he was way too tired to bring up the rest of these things. Yep, he came in from the basement window and the TV tired him out." It's so funny to me that this serious kid has a belief that is overwhelming to me. It will be interesting to see when he actually finds out that Santa is really Mom and Dad :)