This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
October 29, 2009
Is there is a princess in the Larson house...
The other day I left the house to run to the store for some milk and when I open the garage door our alarm went off and Vaughn came running to the back door. "Dat you Mommy?", "Yep, Vaughn it's me." "Oh, you have good day, me luv you and (with his head cocked to the side and his eyes squinted) you my princess, right?" "Ahh..thanks Vaughn. I love you too and yes I will be your princess." As I left Vaughn went into the living and told Bjorn that I was his princess and he was my boy princess :) It's things like this that make Vaughn just a little cuter...
Prayers between brothers
A few nights back we were putting the boys to bed, which now with the addition of Bercan has been a little interesting. It's 3 against 2, so I took Vaughn while Torin and Bjorn prayed in Bercan's room. The boys said a prayer and when they were done Torin walked over to the crib and held Bercan's hands, closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. When he looked up, Bjorn asked him what he prayed for, Torin's response was "It was a private prayer between my brother and I Daddy." I nearly came to tears when I heard this. I prayed that night that Torin's heart stays sweet like this forever and that Bercan can someday see what a great big brother he has.
October 16, 2009
Bercan has a new nickname and honestly I'm hoping that this one doesn't stick, as we now refer to him as BEEFCAKE! When we left the hospital he was 6lbs 7 ozs. At 9 days for his newborn checkup he weighed 7lbs 4ozs. At the doctor at 3 weeks, he weighed in for a total of 9lbs 1oz. And when he stretches or skirms he literally looks like a little beefcake :) I tried capturing it through a photo but it doesn't do the beefcake any justice. It's a cute picture none-the-less...hope you enjoy!

October 15, 2009
Story night with all the boys
We decided that Bercan could be apart of stories one night and it actually worked out better than we thought it would. The boys got their blankets and pillows and arranged them on the floor and then put baby Bercan between the two of them. Well Bercan made some silly sounds and the boys just thought that was the most funny thing ever. It took us about 5 minutes to get them to settle down from it. The books were enjoyed and Bercan was totally apart of it. Looks like he is fitting in just fine with his two older brothers.
Brotherly Love
As I have mentioned before Torin is in LOVE with Bercan and I think if I let him just be with him every second of the day he would take it in a heart beat. He told me the other day "Mom, I could just sit and stare at him all day he's so cute!" How I hope and pray that his love for him never decreases and stays strong for many years to come. Here are a few pictures of Torin just doing that. It was funny as usually I am the one saying let me get a picture of this or that. Well Torin actually asked me to get these pictures, "Mom, get a picture of us looking at each other." Too sweet...
Family Night Fun
We decided to get at least one more family night in before the baby came...yes I know that this post is out of order but I didn't want to lose this story. We had a family night of just hanging out with each other. We did dinner, went for a walk to hopefully get the baby to come out, and the boys had picked root beer floats for the treat of the night. When we got home I was saying out loud should we do root beer floats first and then baths or vice versa. Torin looked at me and said with a smirk "How bout we do root beer floats in the bath tub?" without much hesitation I said yep let's do that. Torin face was priceless. If there is ever a picture I wish I would've gotten it would have been that one :) So we did exactly that of having a root beer floats in the bath tub. The boys thought that they were pretty cool and honestly I think that they were. It was a great night of fun!
Loving life and the fact that Mom and Dad said yes to this request...a family night to remember!
Meeting of the cousins
The Dwyer cousins came over for a visit and my wonderful sister-in-law and brother brought me dinner at a time that I needed it most. Bjorn had to depart to Missouri for a conference and having a 10 day old and two energetic boys their presence was trust me more than a blessing. A super yummy dinner was brought, served and cleaned up without having to do anything but sit, eat and hold a baby from time to time. It seriously doesn't get any better than that! I've come to notice that with baby #3 the best gift of all is food that you don't have to cook yourself :) The boys had a great time with the lego's and of course just running around being boys. My favorite story of the night was that I told them that the quietest boy got a cookie first only for my very smart nephew to tell me "Auntie Jen we brought those cookies so really those cookies are ours so you can't make rules on them." Pretty smart for a 4 year old! He's really too cute....Here are the pictures from the night!

Maggie at 3 months and Bercan at 10 days old.
October 8, 2009
Bercan Einar Larson
Well I would like to introduce Bercan Einar Larson. Little Bercan welcomed us with his presence on September 21st, 2009 at 5:50am. We got to the hospital at 2:30am and I was at 4cm. Water was broken at 3:00am, pitocin administered at 3:20am and at 5:45am I pushed 3 times and he was born. Quick and easy is how Bjorn would put it. I would agree with the quick comment and for the most part it was easy as the major pain really didn't start until about 4:30am. He weighed 6lbs 15ozs and is 21 1/4" long. He's got more hair than the two other boys combined and was alert right from the get go. We of course think that he is beautiful!!! Torin and Vaughn were his first visitors, of course Nana too. They were very excited to meet their brother but were not too fond of the name. We actually have video of us singing Happy Birthday to Bercan and Vaughn stating when we said Bercan "No don't tay tat wurd. Tat bad wurd." He is of course alright with the name now. Torin is in LOVE with this little man. Holding him, singing to him and just making sure that he is alright ALL of the time. The other night I told Bercan that he had a stinky neck and Bercan started to cry. Torin told me that was not nice to say and that I hurt Bercan's feelings. He really was not happy with me that I made his little brother cry. It's just too cute to see how protective he is of him. Vaughn is doing well with him too. He's my helper to get a diaper or to throw it out. If he sees a wrapped up diaper he'll ask "Me drow tis out for you mama?" I asked if he wanted to change a dirty diaper the other day and he told me "No way. Tat dishusting!" He's a smart boy :) As for Bjorn he's a great helper too. Taking Bercan after feedings so I can try and get some rest is a huge help. Even if it is only for a few hours it's very helpful. And for me, well I would pay good money for some more sleep but when I look at the pictures below of the wonderful gifts that God has blessed me with I would take no sleep in order to keep all of these precious beautiful boys, Bjorn included :). Hope you all enjoy the pictures...
First look at the world. Looks like he has his fists up ready to go :)
Mommy and Bercan getting a little loving time in before the other boys arrived to meet him..
First look at the world. Looks like he has his fists up ready to go :)

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