So this morning as I was getting ready to go for a run with Cole, Torin woke up and joined me downstairs. He asked what I was getting ready for and when I told him that Auntie Cole was coming and we were going to go running he blurted out "Well, I want to run with you guys too and I'll even pace myself." Quick background on Torin and pacing....I signed Torin up for 1/2 mile race in October and in order to prepare him for what a 1/2 felt like he, Auntie Cole and I decided to go around our pond twice which is close to 1/2 mile. When we started to run Torin took off in a dead sprint, as I chased after him trying to tell him to pace himself. We got around the pond once and he stopped and started to cry, yelling at "Mom don't tell me to pace myself. People who pace themselves are losers!" Nothing like being a little competitve I guess...YIKES!!!" So with that he was done for the day. He did end up doing the race and did great.....back to our story from this morning.....unfortunately the little man doesn't have any running shoes as we have sandals for the summer and hiking shoes. He was a little bummed but just the fact that he asked to go with and seeing his desire to do so made me excited for a possible life long running partner. Yes, I might be getting my hopes up a little but a girl can dream :) And to add we will be buying him a pair of running shoes this weekend in the hopes of fulfilling a dream.
A side note...I know I've been bad about getting pictures out of the boys. It's on my list of things to do so hopefully it will come soon...
This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
June 26, 2009
June 19, 2009
Sorry Mom....
Last night I was putting the boys to bed in which they had wanted to sleep together again. They are serioulsy really good about this like 95% of the time so we typically let them when they want to. We got done reading the story and they asked for a song, again a typically thing. Well I started to sing and whatever it was they started to giggle. I told them that I wasn't going to sing if they were going to giggle. Before I could even start again, they started to giggle. I got up, told them that I loved them and walked out. Little stinkers...not sure if it was my voice or if they just had the giggles. Well then it continued. I gave them 5 minutes to calm down which they didn't and then separated them. It wasn't a huge deal as they know that's the rule. Torin was really good about going to his own room and it was done, in 5 minutes they were both fast asleep. No big deal, really I didn't think about it the rest of the night.
This morning Torin comes into our room, gives me a huge hug, looks me straight in the eye and says "Mama, I'm so sorry for how naughty I was last night. I'll be a good boy for you today." I mean you wonder how long he thought about that to be so sincere about it. I really didn't make a big deal out of it at all. I thanked him for his apology and gave him another hug. Sweet little kid..
This morning Torin comes into our room, gives me a huge hug, looks me straight in the eye and says "Mama, I'm so sorry for how naughty I was last night. I'll be a good boy for you today." I mean you wonder how long he thought about that to be so sincere about it. I really didn't make a big deal out of it at all. I thanked him for his apology and gave him another hug. Sweet little kid..
June 18, 2009
Big brother the protector
Last night, as we do every night for Vaughn, we pray that God takes away all of his bad dreams. He went through a phase where he was getting up every night because of bad dreams. At first I just thought it was an excuse but sleeping with him one night he started to cry and squirm then woke up crying even harder. So now we pray to God that he won't have bad dreams and if he does have one when he wakes up we'll say the prayer again and he'll go back to sleep. So when we got done saying the prayer, Torin looked at Vaughn and said "If you get scared or have a bad dream you just snuggle into me and I'll protect you. Okay? That way you don't have to go into Mom and Dad's room. Okay, Vaughny?" Vaughn's response was "Otay, Towin. Me luv you."
Don't get me wrong Torin can tease his brother pretty good but his heart is so soft for him that it melts my heart. I hope that never changes between them.
Don't get me wrong Torin can tease his brother pretty good but his heart is so soft for him that it melts my heart. I hope that never changes between them.
June 15, 2009
Torin and Vaughn's Birthday Party
Well the weekend of two birthday parties in one day is over. It's actually been a week and I am finally feeling caught up. Well, almost, now need to get the thank you's out :)
Torin's party was great! We had a reptile guy come in and show all types of animals but I think the highlights were the 14 ft. python, the alligator snapping turtle and the alligator named Allie of course. Yes, as you will see in the pictures we had a 3 ft. alligator in our house. This is what it is like to be a Mom of a boy who loves reptiles. Torin and all of the kids were actually super well behaved for the entire presentation. I was pleansantly surprised that it went off so well! Here are some of the pictures. The guy who did it was from RAD Zoo (Reptiles and Anphibinans) He was AWESOME and I would recommend them to any one. Torin got to hold some of the animals since he was the birthday boy. I know that he really digged that! In order to go with the theme
of the party we of course had to have a alligator cake :) Bjorn put out the great craving techniques that he had, coupled with my cake decorating skills I think that the alligator turned out pretty awesome. Since we had some extra cake left we decided to whip out a snake real quick too....we are seriously crazy the things that we do for our boys...

The cake was a home made one but really was finished by our neighbor Michael who provided the power ranger action figure....
Torin's party was great! We had a reptile guy come in and show all types of animals but I think the highlights were the 14 ft. python, the alligator snapping turtle and the alligator named Allie of course. Yes, as you will see in the pictures we had a 3 ft. alligator in our house. This is what it is like to be a Mom of a boy who loves reptiles. Torin and all of the kids were actually super well behaved for the entire presentation. I was pleansantly surprised that it went off so well! Here are some of the pictures. The guy who did it was from RAD Zoo (Reptiles and Anphibinans) He was AWESOME and I would recommend them to any one. Torin got to hold some of the animals since he was the birthday boy. I know that he really digged that! In order to go with the theme

Vaughn had a great party even though it got rained out and we had to be in the house. He had a super hero party as that is really what he is into lately. It's crazy as Torin really never went through a spider man/super man phase. He had a couple of pj's but wasn't obsessed about it like Vaughn is. Vaughn wears a super hero costume or pj's whenever we will let him or he prefers to run around half naked. Don't believe just ask our neighbors. They have two small girls and I'm thinking the we need to nip this one in the bud before we start scarring them for life of jungle man Vaughn in his underwear. What can I say the kid is little bit of a free spirit :) Here are a couple of pictures of from Vaughn's party. The outfit he is in is a power ranger costume...this was the third one that he had on for the party. First spider man, then batman and finally a power ranger. I will say he definitely provides us loads of humor.

June 12, 2009
Torin's Prayer
Last night I ventured out to golf with some girlfriends when I got home Bjorn shared the prayer that Torin had said. I need to get it written down thus I'm journaling it here.
Dear God,
Watch over Mommy with the baby growing in her tummy while she tries to decide if she's pretty but no matter what she wears she'll be the prettiest to me.
I seriously started to cry. What a sweet little boy! He and Vaughn both tell me all the time that I am pretty and that I look nice. I guess the pregnancy and wearing clothes has been a little hard in the transition phase but it seems to be that no matter what I'll always be pretty to my boys and really what else matters :)
Dear God,
Watch over Mommy with the baby growing in her tummy while she tries to decide if she's pretty but no matter what she wears she'll be the prettiest to me.
I seriously started to cry. What a sweet little boy! He and Vaughn both tell me all the time that I am pretty and that I look nice. I guess the pregnancy and wearing clothes has been a little hard in the transition phase but it seems to be that no matter what I'll always be pretty to my boys and really what else matters :)
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