Torin has been taking a Spanish class one hour, one day a week. I feel bad that we don't really practice with him but Bjorn and I both took french so we are a little clueless on pronounciation. Well Torin surprised us at his fiesta in singing head, shoulders, knees and Toes. Along with some of the words that he was able to pronounce. The teacher told us that if he practiced at home he would probably be further along...I think that was a shot at us...she also informed us that there is class for adults. We'll get right on that ;)
This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
April 20, 2009
Hockey and Spanish
Here are a few video's of Torin one doing hockey and one of him at his Spanish fiesta. It's been fun to see him improve and now he is actually able to get most of his equipment on and off without the help of Mom and Dad. Of course him and Bjorn still have their small little battles on getting the equipment on and off but it's only because they are two peas in a pod...Hope you enjoy the little hockey dude's video...
Baby Stories start to unfold....
Well in the hopes that I get better about keeping my blog up here are a few cute stories that could only come from the boys about the baby....
Torin's Logic....
He asked me what size the baby was and remembering something that I had read at 3 months stated that the baby is a size of a lemon. So I told him that it was the size of a lemon. Pretty much every day after that I was asked the question "How big is the baby now?". I kept telling him a lemon for him to try and understand that it's not going to change so quickly just day by day....About two weeks later and many times hearing "How big is the baby now?" I figured that I should give him a different response. I told him that the baby was probably the size of an apple. He looked at me with an odd look and quickly fired back, "Mom, an apple and lemon are the same size." Seriously, how many 5 year olds debate the size of a fruit. I told I meant a very big apple one that is bigger than a lemon. Little stinker...
Vaughn's stories...
Honestly, we never really give Vaughn enough credit. When people would ask me what Vaughn thought of the baby I would reply with that he probably didn't even know that there was a baby in my belly. So I decided to ask him where the baby was and he got a huge smile and said "In your belly mama." I guess the little guy knows what is going on :)
When we asked Vaughn if he wanted to talk to the baby and to tell the baby his name, he got real close to my belly and said "Hi baby, me Jungle Man." Bjorn and I obviously started to laugh as Vaughn thinks that he is Mowgli from The Jungle Book and actually runs around saying he's jungle man.
Then last but not least the other day totally unprompted he came up to me and said "Me, talk to your baby mama." When I lifted up my shirt he said real sweet "Me, missed you baby." and gave my belly a kiss. When I told him that was so nice of him he said "You bring baby to work with you so me missed baby." I guess he really does get much more than we thought...
Torin's Logic....
He asked me what size the baby was and remembering something that I had read at 3 months stated that the baby is a size of a lemon. So I told him that it was the size of a lemon. Pretty much every day after that I was asked the question "How big is the baby now?". I kept telling him a lemon for him to try and understand that it's not going to change so quickly just day by day....About two weeks later and many times hearing "How big is the baby now?" I figured that I should give him a different response. I told him that the baby was probably the size of an apple. He looked at me with an odd look and quickly fired back, "Mom, an apple and lemon are the same size." Seriously, how many 5 year olds debate the size of a fruit. I told I meant a very big apple one that is bigger than a lemon. Little stinker...
Vaughn's stories...
Honestly, we never really give Vaughn enough credit. When people would ask me what Vaughn thought of the baby I would reply with that he probably didn't even know that there was a baby in my belly. So I decided to ask him where the baby was and he got a huge smile and said "In your belly mama." I guess the little guy knows what is going on :)
When we asked Vaughn if he wanted to talk to the baby and to tell the baby his name, he got real close to my belly and said "Hi baby, me Jungle Man." Bjorn and I obviously started to laugh as Vaughn thinks that he is Mowgli from The Jungle Book and actually runs around saying he's jungle man.
Then last but not least the other day totally unprompted he came up to me and said "Me, talk to your baby mama." When I lifted up my shirt he said real sweet "Me, missed you baby." and gave my belly a kiss. When I told him that was so nice of him he said "You bring baby to work with you so me missed baby." I guess he really does get much more than we thought...
April 13, 2009
Easter News
I am very excited to be posting that we are expecting a new addition to the Larson Family. It's an exciting time and we have been very excited to tell everyone but have kept it on the down low due to various reasons. We are at a point though where if we didn't start telling people they would think that I was just getting fat :) Really I'm still not showing, which is crazy for #3 and that I am 16 weeks pregnant! I'll take it though...

We found out in early February and I will say that we were both a little surprised. We had been "not trying to prevent it" for about 8 months and were thinking that maybe it just wouldn't happen. Obviously, even though surprised we are excited!!!
I think the one that is the most excited is Torin! We took him to our 3 month appointment to hear the heartbeat. We told him that we were going to the doctor to see if she could tell us why I wasn't feeling good. When our doctor found the heartbeat Torin asked if that was my heartbeat and the doctor said "No, that's too fast to be your Mommy's heartbeat. I think your Mommy has a baby in her belly." A little surprised he asked "You're pregnant!" and when we told him yes he literally began to jump up and down with excitement. He really wants a little sister but said that he would love a little brother too :) We are hoping for healthy...
I've attached a few pictures of our Easter hope you enjoy!

The boys Easter morning before church...

Family picture on our deck...
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