I was just emailing my cousin and sent her a link to this blog realizing that it has been a few months since I have posted here. I'm going to try and get better about that. It's been a long few months through the holidays and well I could give more excuses but instead of that I'll try and explain the pictures that I am going to post.
They were taken back in October but I just had to post them. The photographer that took them Pamela Rawn is SO talented and I am always amazed with what she captures of our family. And the fact that she is so over-whelmingly patient with our boys. I would recommend Pam to anyone!!! She's patient during the session, so creative yet always excited to hear about your ideas, awesome about getting in different backgrounds/scenery and has an eye for getting that special moment when you're not looking :) Not to mention that the quality of her photos come out amazing!!! Okay I could brag about her all day long here are a couple of the pictures that came out of the photo shoot.
Here is one that she took and then actually did a gallery wrap of it. Meaning that it's canvas.

I love this one as it looks like I am the one being patient...
Now if Bjorn and Vaughn could get with the program we would be in business...
Okay to bump it up a few months here are a few from Christmas....

I think that Vaughn was hoping for a hockey stick....Notice the MN wild Jersey and hat :)
The little Larson cousins. Torin, Cooper, William, Callie, Vaughn and Alaina. They were being bribed with Chocolate to hold still for the picture :)