A few weeks back Torin and Vaughn were invited to their friends birthday parties. The two boys are brothers that share a birthday within the same week thus the Mother planned for movies for both of the boys friends to of course minimize planning two birthday parties. Quite the smart lady if you ask me :)
The only issue was that the 8 / 9 year olds were going to see Captain America. The Mom emailed asking if Captain America was alright, seeing as though it was PG-13. I had to say that we don't let the boys watch PG-13 movies. We've always told the boys that the movie industry, not Mom or Dad, have rated the movies based on what "THEY" think is appropriate for the audience. The boys have understood that a movie rated PG-13 is not something that is appropriate for them based on what the movie experts think. It's not that I am trying to be over protective but more teach them that if a movie is rated in a certain way that it is to their benefit not to watch it.
The Mom understood and I did apologize as I felt bad being one of "those" parents but I had to stick to what we have always told the boys. She said that some of the other parents felt the same way and some of the kids had already seen Captain America so everyone was going to see Smurfs. I was relieved as saying all of this is much easier then actually having that conversation with Torin.
We got to the movie and while eating pizza the lady organizing the event asked how many were going to Smurfs and how many for Captain America. My heart sunk. I didn't know this was still an option. Torin looked completely confused as I hadn't even mentioned to him to that Captain America was an option. He looked around to see all of the older boys raising their hands for Captain America and raised his hand too. I had not prepared for this and I was a little at a loss of how to handle it.
I walked over to him and explained that Captain America was PG-13 and his face just dropped. "But Mom all of my friends are going to it." I felt terrible for him. Truly I didn't want to embarass him so I totally caved. I told him that I would make a HUGE exception this one and only time but that I would have to go to the movie too. I told him I wouldn't sit next to him that I would sit next to the Dad that was going. But I had to go in case the movie had certain things that I didn't think were right for him to see, that I needed to see it too if he would have questions about it. Torin was fine with this plan, so I thought.
The rest of the night went fine with cake, a tour of the production rooms and then getting into line for the movies. Torin initially went into Captain America and then at the last minute jumped out of line and got in line for the smurfs. I was completely surprised. ALL of his friends were in line for Captain America. I had given him permission to go. So why the change? I went over to him and said "Honey, I told you it was alright. What's going on?" He looked at me and said "Super hero's are lame anyway and I know it's not appropriate for me Mom." I about feel over. Here is an 8 year old kid who even when given permission is doing the right thing. I asked him if he was sure and he told me, "Yes, I think that the Smurfs is going to be really funny." I told him that he had made me the proudest Mommy ever and asked if I could reward him with a slushie for such a great decision that he had made. He of course accepted.
Smurf's really wasn't that good in my opinion. I have seen much better kid movies but it was the best movie ever due to the choice that Torin had made. He stood up for what he knew was right no matter if that meant that he didn't get to go with his friends and instead hanging out with his 5 year old brother and other 5 / 6 year olds. That is beyond my imagination for a 8 year old but I hope and pray that he models this behavior for the rest of the hard times that are yet to come in his life.
On our way home I told him that Noni, my Mom, used to let me watch R and PG-13 rated movies all of the time when I was his age. His response was "I bet you used to have a lot of nightmares." And he's right, I did. Not sure if my Mom missed out on the whole "what's appropriate for kids to see" thing as I am still a little freaked out by clowns after watching Poltergist. I told Torin that there are going to many more times in his life when his friends are going to do things that he will know are not right. He looked at me really weird and said "Like what?" I said that when he is a teenager that some kids might drink and smoke. That it will look like fun even though it is wrong to do and he might be tempted to try it. His face got an even weirder look on it and said "That's gross Mom. I'm never going to drink or smoke." I told him that I prayed he never would but that I would be here for him either way praying that when life gets harder that he stands up for what he knows and believes is right like he had tonight.
Larson Family Blog
This is a journal of our lives. A family of four boys and one Mommy trying to keep us all a little sane. I hope you enjoy our stories, memories and of course a photo or two.
August 29, 2011
August 9, 2011
Growing in faith....in more than one way
Last summer my faith was tested when I let Torin go to his first overnight camp for 4 days and 3 nights. Three other couples in our small group where sending their boys, all of the same age, and I was the one who was very hesitant to do this. Torin and I have been apart many times before but not like this. Not where he was with no one that I knew and I didn't have a way to call or talk to him. Just the thought of it would make me almost tear up. I called the camp and literally talked to the person for over an hour regarding my questions. Who slept in the cabin with the boys? What was the cabin like? Were the boys ever left unattended? Trust me the list went on and on. I wish I could say that their answers made me feel more comfortable but it didn't.
I prayed about it and knew that I needed to trust God on this one as Torin REALLY wanted to go. How could I as a parent tell him "no" to expanding his knowledge and love for God just to make myself feel comfortable? Well, obviously, I couldn't so off he went. I emailed him every day and was literally the first parent at camp on Saturday to pick him up. And he was fine and happy to see me. He told me about chapel and the awesome worship songs that they sung. He got to drink diet coke, obviously not cool with that part but a small thing for what he learned. Then the question came "Mom, next year can I go for the full week?". Obviously Torin had no idea what life was like for me the past 3 nights ;)
The winter came and then the spring, sign up for Trout Lake Camp came and the question resurfaced. I will say that I was maybe a little more open to it then I had been the morning that I picked him up BUT still was not overly ambitious to sign him up for a full week. Of course the other parents were going to. I began to wonder what was wrong with these parents. I tried convincing these parents of just doing the 4 days / 3 nights again to find out that I wasn't going to win that conversation. I signed him up for the full week and he was literally ear to ear smile.
Well the Spring went super fast and June was crazy busy for us that before I knew it, it was literally 2 days until he left for camp. Anxiety set in for me. I really did not want to let him go for a week. I talked with him, calmly, saying "I know you can handle it Torin but maybe we could still call and change it to the shorter stay. You could still stay with your friends just for a shorter time." Torin looked at me with a very loving but also a too grown up look on his face and said very camly but matter of factly to me "Mom, you are going to be alright." and gave me a hug. Really? I will be alright? Wasn't he concerned about how he would do? Is he 8 or 18? I just wasn't sure if I was going to be alright. And why was he so convinced that I would be?
I prayed about it and knew that I needed to trust God on this one as Torin REALLY wanted to go. How could I as a parent tell him "no" to expanding his knowledge and love for God just to make myself feel comfortable? Well, obviously, I couldn't so off he went. I emailed him every day and was literally the first parent at camp on Saturday to pick him up. And he was fine and happy to see me. He told me about chapel and the awesome worship songs that they sung. He got to drink diet coke, obviously not cool with that part but a small thing for what he learned. Then the question came "Mom, next year can I go for the full week?". Obviously Torin had no idea what life was like for me the past 3 nights ;)
The winter came and then the spring, sign up for Trout Lake Camp came and the question resurfaced. I will say that I was maybe a little more open to it then I had been the morning that I picked him up BUT still was not overly ambitious to sign him up for a full week. Of course the other parents were going to. I began to wonder what was wrong with these parents. I tried convincing these parents of just doing the 4 days / 3 nights again to find out that I wasn't going to win that conversation. I signed him up for the full week and he was literally ear to ear smile.
Well the Spring went super fast and June was crazy busy for us that before I knew it, it was literally 2 days until he left for camp. Anxiety set in for me. I really did not want to let him go for a week. I talked with him, calmly, saying "I know you can handle it Torin but maybe we could still call and change it to the shorter stay. You could still stay with your friends just for a shorter time." Torin looked at me with a very loving but also a too grown up look on his face and said very camly but matter of factly to me "Mom, you are going to be alright." and gave me a hug. Really? I will be alright? Wasn't he concerned about how he would do? Is he 8 or 18? I just wasn't sure if I was going to be alright. And why was he so convinced that I would be?
We made the trek up there, this year I got a ton of hugs and kisses good-bye along with even being able to take a picture. We prayed together that he would have a safe and good time and that his faith would grow. The first night there were severe thunderstorms in the area he was at, not really what I needed God, as I was about to go up there and get him to make sure he was o.k. It was at this point that I took a long breath and just prayed safety over him and anxiety to be released for me. I opened my eyes and just had a sense of comfort that he was just fine. I think through this time of Torin growing in his faith, which Trout Lake Camp really does fabulously with these kiddo's, I'm growing in my faith too. Torin is not mine, he is my son that God has provided to me but only God knows his plan. I am getting to a point that I am sllloooowwwlllly letting go to let Torin grow and experience God for himself. It's harder than one would think but I'm also growing in trusting God with him. When I picked him up on Saturday he was very happy to see me, I was kind of teary eyed but fought it back. On our way home together that day I let him sit in the front seat so we could catch up. He talked to me about what he had learned about God, the friends that he had made and shared that some day that he wants to be a counselor at Trout Lake. I guess this letting go thing, even though extremely hard, has some pretty good benefits from it. Of course he's already begging to go back next year and I think that this next year will be a "bit" easier to send him off.
Not a great picture but this is Hayden, Torin

and Carter. They all were in the same cabin last
summer and hope to make it a yearly tradition of
being together and learning more about God.
August 5, 2011
New Ears
One morning I am greeted by Vaughn saying that his ears feel like his nose is dripping. I turn in bed to look at his ear to see that blood is dripping out. Once I realize that it doesn't seem to be anything to serious, it doesn't hurt him, he can hear fine and the blood was very minimal, I realize that his description was actually quite accurate :) Oh Vaughn even in these moments he can make us smile. It had been a year since his last set of tubes and it would probably be a good idea to get them checked out. So off to the ENT we went to find out that one ear drum has collapsed. Vaughn doesn't get ear infections like the normal child he tries to surpass normalcy by having collapsed ear drums :) After this appointment of seeing how much hearing loss he actually had we realized that he is reading lips. Kids are amazingly resilient to me in how the adjust to the situation at hand. If you are whispering but Vaughn can see your lips watch what you say my friends as it will most likely get repeated. We noticed that in the car was the hardest for him as he couldn't see our faces to read our lips. The doctor recommended T-tubes which is a more permanent ear tube lasting 3 to 5 years versus the typical tube that only lasts 6 to 12 months. The surgery went great with the ear drum reopening without any difficultly which is great. If after these tubes, the ear drums collapse again it will most likely mean a much different type of surgery but right now we are just blessed that we caught it when we did and that the ear drum reopened.
It is interesting that the noises Vaughn had heard before our much louder. He's complained about church being too loud, the vaccum being too loud and of course his baby brother being too loud. I think that he's finally adjusting to the noise level but it's been interesting to hear from him what he considers "loud" ;)
Going in to get work on the ol'ears...
It is interesting that the noises Vaughn had heard before our much louder. He's complained about church being too loud, the vaccum being too loud and of course his baby brother being too loud. I think that he's finally adjusting to the noise level but it's been interesting to hear from him what he considers "loud" ;)

monkey and cheetey both needed their ears done as
well. I guess if I didn't realize that Vaughn was having
issues why would I have known about his stuffed animals.
Ears are "two thumbs" up!
July 26, 2011
Baseball Win = Cup and cone
One family tradition from when I was younger was that if won our baseball game we would get to go to the Kilte Drive-in for an ice cream treat. I have very fond memories of going there with my Mom and Dad and just feeling the pride of winning and I swear that the ice cream always tasted better with that satisfaction.
Now that the boys are playing sports and there is an ice cream place of Cup and Cone we have implemented the family tradition with one exception. If the boys do an outstanding job but still do not win we cave and take them. One game Vaughn had scored his first goal ever and we just had to celebrate that victory. The boys love going but already understand that if they don't win or have a stellar game that there is always next week to try and earn a trip to Cup and Cone. Here are a few pictures of them celebrating a win!!!
Now that the boys are playing sports and there is an ice cream place of Cup and Cone we have implemented the family tradition with one exception. If the boys do an outstanding job but still do not win we cave and take them. One game Vaughn had scored his first goal ever and we just had to celebrate that victory. The boys love going but already understand that if they don't win or have a stellar game that there is always next week to try and earn a trip to Cup and Cone. Here are a few pictures of them celebrating a win!!!
Torin, Tyler and Christain have all known each other
since 4 year pre-school having them all on the team
this year was a ton of fun to watch them all play together again.

The little brothers and the big brothers
celebrating yet another Cardinal win.
Berc enjoying it as well with this own ice cream.
Torin winning their baseball and soccer games. He's
gotten to the point that he will get his own kiddie cone
and trust me he thinks he's pretty big stuff eating them.

Twins Birthday Celebration
For Bjorn's birthday this year I decided that there wasn't anything material wise that I felt that he "needed", sure there were some wants but nothing needed. I'm just in this non-material mode of life right now ;) Thus, I decided that this we had not been to a Twins game yet at the new stadium that it would be the perfect time do so. The boys were more excited then I thought they were going to be, Bjorn included. Not only did we get to go to the new stadium but we got to experience it in first class style with access to the Legends club. It was a pretty hot night so it was really nice to be able to eat our treats in air conditioning and at tables versus trying to manage it all in our seats. The experience was definitely worth the money and better then any material thing could have provided. All of us had a great time and the even though the Twins did not win they gave us a fun 8th and 9th inning of ups and downs for cheering. The boys really got into it and Vaughn said even though they lost he loved the Twins still ;) I think Bjorn would agree that it was a great birthday present.
June 19, 2011
Day 3 - DC Vaca
These mornings couldn't be more relaxing and fun to be with the boys. It's making the fact that I have to go back to work next week harder and harder. We ate in this morning and then packed up for another day at the beach. The weather held off for us until right when we left to head home for lunch. We really couldn't have been more blessed with this great weather. We got home, ate left-overs from dinner and then put Berc down for a nap. The sitter came and the older boys and I left to do pottery at the infamous Hands On Pottery or as Vaughn calls it Hands-r-us pottery :)
We each did a little art and then headed home to snuggle on the couch watching cartoons until Berc woke up. We grabbed some pizzas from Wild Tomato (my favorite pizza place in DC) and headed up to Sarah and Slade's to hang out. It was a fun and relaxing evening just catching up with good friends. Slade and Torin were really too cute! They were both on their stomach's, hands holding up their heads watching and archery program which then of course turned into fishing. I wish that I would've taken a picture of it.
We headed home and kids got to bed early and I finally finished one of the 5 books that I am reading. Another fabulous day of vacation!!!!
Pottery time with the boys!!!
Nicollet bay with the boys meant, digging holes
if you can imagine that!
No swimsuit but he would at least wear
his cover up. Seems a little backwards but
I think that is just normal for our Berc :)
I love how the three of them just played together
so well. It was so fun and relaxing!
Day 2 DC Vaca
Well today started off just as nice. The boys slept in till 7:30 which means I got to sleep in too. Seriously, I hope this is how it will be for the entire week. The boys were drooling for Al Johnson's swedish pancakes so I caved and we went. Since it was a Tuesday the restaurant was pretty empty and the cakes came pretty much right after we ordered them. Torin and Vaughn both had adult orders with meatballs and Berc got the kiddie one. I didn't order any as I thought that there would be left overs. Not so much the case. I got one meatball and maybe one cake so it was a light breakfast for me :) It was then off to the pontoon that we had rented and we headed out into the big blue. Vaughn thought we were on the ocean, Torin thought we were on Lake Michigan and Berc well he didn't quite care cause he just loved the wind in his hair. We fished a little, boated a little and dipped our toes in and didn't attempt swimming. Green Bay is just as cold as Lake Michigan so we just soaked up the sunshine instead. We had a few snacks and then headed back to the dock. Of course we had to frequent Wilson's for lunch, it's really the only way to go. After lunch we fished off the docks until both boys caught a bass. Vaughn was the first to catch the fish and even though Torin was happy for his brother you could tell that he just really wished it was him. But of course he was still proud.
At this point in the day we had all had enough sunshine and Berc looked like he was going to drop. I told the boys on the way home that they all needed to take naps if we were going to attempt the drive-in. We got back to the cottage and everyone laid down. No whining, no nothing. I laid down on the couch to read and before I knew it I woke up and it was 5:00pm and all the boys were still sleeping. Seriously, at this point the vacation couldn't get any better.
I got up, started making dinner and before I knew it dinner was ready and the boys were all at the table. We gobbled it down and then got ready for the drive-in. I really wasn't sure about trying to conquer this on my own but the boys really impressed me. We got to the drive-in, got the "bed" made in back and all laid down together for the movie. Bercan was a little restless but I caved and gave him his nuk. I told him that if he stayed laying down that he could have it. He tried getting up a couple of times in which I would take the nuk and he would pretty much drop down to get it. I felt like I was treating him like a dog but hey it worked :)
After the movie on the way home Vaughn thanked me for such an awesome day. And really it was.
The back of the van for the drive-in. We had a great time!
Torin's small mouth bass. He was just amazed that the small
mouth bass was bigger than any of the large mouth bass that
he's caught before. It's funny the things that he thinks about!
Vaughny's catch of the day :)
The three crazy boys on the pontoon. They all thought they
were pretty cool to be out on the front of it :)
Bercan is a free little spirit. If he could be naked all of the time
he would be. I was trying to change him into his suit and as
soon as the diaper was off that was that. Thus we had some cute
little buns to look at for the rest of the ride. Silly little man!
Al Johnson's...yuummmy!!! Bercan was super afraid of
the trolls that they had around. He wouldn't go near them.
He would just look at them and shake his head no :)
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